
Odnos prebivalcev slovenskih obmejnih krajev do migrantov: študija primera izbranih krajev v občinah Kostel in Osilnica : študija primera izbranih krajev v občinah Kostel in Osilnica
ID Premec, Denis (Author), ID Zupančič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo odgovarja na raziskovalna vprašanja o odnosu do migrantov ter morebitni pomoči migrantom prebivalcev v izbranih slovenskih obmejnih krajih. Cilj diplomskega dela je predstaviti kriterije za pridobitev mednarodne zaščite v Sloveniji ter orisati značilnosti t. i. migrantske krize. Poleg tega je cilj oblikovati tudi teoretski okvir, ki bo predstavil odnos evropske oz. slovenske javnosti do migrantov ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na odnos ter (ne)pomoč ljudi in s pomočjo tega teoretskega okvira preveriti, ali demografski dejavniki – in če da, kateri – vplivajo na odnos do migrantov in morebitno pomoč prebivalcev migrantom. Metodologija temelji na analizi primarnih virov, s pomočjo katerih sem predstavil zakonsko podlago za pridobitev mednarodne zaščite v Sloveniji. Analiza sekundarnih virov je omogočila vzpostavitev teoretskega okvira ter oris značilnosti migracij v Sloveniji. Ključna metoda, ki je omogočila tudi glavni prispevek diplomskega dela, pa je terenska anketa, ki sem jo opravil na vzorcu 60 oseb v občinah Kostel in Osilnica. Ugotovil sem, da je odnos prebivalcev do migrantov občutno bolj nenaklonjen kot pa naklonjen, kljub temu pa je migrantom pripravljena pomagati več kot polovica anketiranih, največ s hrano, pijačo ter z informacijami. Med analiziranimi dejavniki sta na izbranem vzorcu zlasti zanimiva stopnja izobrazbe ter veroizpoved. Opozoriti velja, da je vzorec razmeroma majhen in da so ti rezultati predvsem indikativne narave – za splošno populacijo bi bilo treba opraviti dodatne raziskave.

Keywords:Migrantska kriza, javno mnenje, odnos do migrantov, pomoč migrantom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Premec]
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119561 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29606915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Attitude towards migrants of the population in slovenian border towns: the case study on selected towns in the municipalities of Kostel and Osilnica : diplomsko delo
The thesis answers the research questions about the attitude towards migrants and potential help for migrants of the population in slovenian selected border towns. The aim of thesis is to introduce the criteria to obtain the international protection in Slovenia and to present the migrant crisis. Furthermore the aim is to establish the theoretical framework to present the attitude of European and Slovenian public toward migrants and factors affecting the attitude and (no) help of people and to verify with this theoretic framework, whether the demografic factors – if yes, which – affect the attitude towards migrants and potential help for migrants of the population. The metodology is based on the primary sources analysis which I used to present the legal basis for request to obtain the international protection in Slovenia. The secondary sources analysis allowed to establish the theoretical framework and the presentation of migration characteristics in Slovenia. The key method which allowed the main contribution of the thesis is the field survey made on a sample of 60 individuals in the municipalities of Kostel and Osilnica. I have found out that the attitude towards migrants of the population is significantly more unfavourable than favourable, nonetheless more than half of respondants is ready to help migrants, the most of them providing food and drinks or information. Between analized factors of the selected sample are particularly interesting level of education and religion. It should be noted that the sample is relatively small and that the results are of indicative nature – for general population should be carred out more researches.

Keywords:Migrant crisis, public opinion, attitude towards migrants, help for migrants

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