
Okoljsko relevantno testiranje strupenosti netopnih premazov
ID Pleško, Leja (Author), ID Kalčikova, Gabriela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V preteklosti so bili v uporabi različni pristopi kako testirati strupenost spojin, ki so v vodi netopne. Med najbolj uporabljenimi je metoda z dodatkom topila, vendar ima dodatek tega lahko znaten vpliv na celotno strupenost. Poleg tega je vprašljiv tudi okoljski pomen takšne metode testiranja. Cilj raziskovalne naloge je razvoj metodologije za testiranje strupenosti v vodi netopnih premazov, ki bo enostavna, hitra in okolju prijazna. S tem namenom smo določili strupenost dvokomponentnega epoksi premaza na vodni osnovi in obeh sestavnih komponent z uporabo vodnih bolh, Daphnia magna. Za testiranje strupenosti smo uporabili izluževalno metodo najprej za premaz, nato pa tudi za posamezni dve glavni komponenti (A in B) premaza. Pri posameznem testu smo vzorec nanesli na inertno stekleno ploščico in po sušenju je sledilo izluževanje komponent. Izluževalne raztopine smo nato redčili na različne koncentracije, tem pa posamezno dodali po deset mladičev vodnih bolh. V primeru primernega odziva smo izračunali vrednosti 48h EC50. Glede na rezultate testiranja je komponenta B zelo strupena, saj je izpostavljenost tej komponenti pri vseh testnih koncentracijah povzročila 100% inhibicijo gibljivosti organizmov. Zaradi pomanjkanja podatkov o sestavi spojine, nismo mogli natančno določiti vzroka za strupenost. Komponenta A se je izkazala za manj strupeno, saj je bila izračunana 48h EC50 za vodne bolhe 22,7 vol.%. Strupenost je v glavnem povzročena zaradi vsebnosti cinkovega oksida, ki je glede na podatke v varnostnih listih zelo strupen za vodne bolhe. Kljub temu je bilo z rezultati testiranja ugotovljeno, da premaz ni tako strupen kot njegovi posamezni sestavni komponenti, saj je vrednost 48h EC50 za premaz > 100 vol%. Glede na rezultate raziskave je izluževalna metoda primerna za določitev strupenosti v vodi ne topnih premazov in je lahko uporabljena za vrednotenje vpliva strupenih spojin na okolje.

Keywords:strupenostni testi, epoksi premaz, izluževanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119542 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28489475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Environmentally relevant toxicity testing of water-insoluble surface coatings
There are several approaches how to test toxicity of water-insoluble compounds. However, the most often the addition of solvents is used, but it can significantly alter the toxicity of water-insoluble compounds. Furthermore, the environmental relevance of such testing is questioned. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop the methodology for the toxicity testing of water-insoluble coating that would be easy, fast and more environmentally relevant. For this purpose toxicity of two-component waterborne epoxy coating and its components was assessed using water fleas, Daphnia magna. Toxicity tests were carried out using a leaching method separately on coating in full composition, as well as separately on their two main components (A and B). The respective tests started with the coating of inert glass plate, drying and subsequent leaching. After leaching the medium was diluted to several concentrations and ten neonates of water fleas were added in each. In case of a good dose-response relationship the results were expressed as 48h EC50. According to the results component B shows high toxicity, all tested concentrations caused 100% inhibition. Due to lack of data, it was not possible to determine the cause of toxicity of the compound. Component A showed lower toxicity to water fleas, where the 48h EC50 for it was 22.7 vol.% and is mainly caused by zinc oxide, which is according to its safety data sheet very toxic for water fleas. Moreover, the result showed that the tested coating in full composition is not as toxic to water fleas as their separate components. Calculated 48h EC50 for tested coating is >100 vol.%. Results of the present study demonstrated that the leaching method is a good approach to test the toxicity of water-insoluble coatings and consequently could be used to assess the impact of such compounds on the environment.

Keywords:toxicity tests, epoxy coatings, leaching

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