
ID Jamnik, Urša (Author), ID Hribar Lee, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Med je naravna sladka snov, ki jo čebele proizvajajo iz nektarjev rastlinskih cvetov ali izločkov živih delov rastlin. Na sestavo in s tem fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti medu vplivajo različni dejavniki, od botaničnega in geografskega izvora, podnebja, količine padavin in temperature v času medenja, do strokovnosti in doslednosti čebelarjevega dela. Posledica vseh teh dejavnikov je velika raznolikost medu na tržišču. Prav komponente, ki se nahajajo v medu v manjših količinah, so odgovorne za senzorične značilnosti, to je barvo, vonj, okus in aromo posameznih vrst medu. V diplomskem delu sem preučila nekatere fizikalno kemijske lastnosti medu, ker so ti parametri pomembni za postopek certificiranja, ki določa kakovost medu. Iz literature in člankov sem pridobila rezultate za različne vrste medu in sicer iz Savdske Arabije, Egipta, Nemčije, Avstralije in Malezije. Iz podatkov sem ugotovila,da imajo vse vrste medu dobro kakovost, saj njihovi parametri kot so pH, barva, intenziteta barve, pepel in električna prevodnost ne presegajo zakonsko določenih vrednosti. So se pa vrednosti preizkušenih parametrov kot je barva, pepel in električna prevodnost med testiranimi medi razlikovale glede na njihov geografski in botanični izvor.

Keywords:med, pH, barva, vsebnost pepela, električna prevodnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119541 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29664771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
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Secondary language

Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by bees from the nectar of plant flowers or the secretions of living parts of plants. The composition and thus the physico-chemical properties of honey are influenced by various factors, from botanical and geographical origin, climate, rainfall and temperature during honeyformation, to the professionalism and consistency of the beekeeper's work. All of these factors result in a large variety of honey on the market. It is the components found in honey in small quantities that are responsible for the sensory characteristics, i.e. the color, smell, taste and aroma of individual types of honey. In my dissertation, I examined some physicochemical properties of honey because these parameters areimportant for the certification process that determines the quality of honey. From the literature and articles, I obtained results for different types of honey from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany, Australia and Malaysia. From the data, I found that all types of honey have good quality, as their parameters such as pH, color, color intensity, ash and electrical conductivity do not exceed the statutory values. However, the values of the tested parameters such as color, ash and electrical conductivity between the tested honeys differed according to their geographical and botanical origin.

Keywords:honey, pH, colour, ash content, electrical conductivity

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