
Demenca pri mlajših od petinšestdeset let : diplomsko delo
ID Fekonja, Mateja (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem navedla definicijo demence, naštela simptome ter opisala vrste demence. V nadaljevanju sem opisala modele razumevanja demence in vlogo socialnega dela. V teoretičnem delu sem pisala tudi o pojavnosti demence pri ljudeh, ki so mlajši od petinšestdeset let. Naštela in opisala sem oblike pomoči, ki so na voljo ljudem z demenco. V kvalitativni raziskavi so me zanimale potrebe mlajših ljudi z demenco in njihovih sorodnikov v dolgotrajni oskrbi. Želela sem ugotoviti, katere spremembe je prinesla demenca v njihova življenja ter kje so sorodniki dobili pomoč in informacije o pomoči človeku z demenco. Zanimalo me je tudi, kakšna je vloga socialnega dela pri podpori ljudem z demenco in njihovim sorodnikom ter katere so obstoječe oblike pomoči ljudem z demenco. Za pridobivanje podatkov sem uporabila vprašalnik. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da mlajši ljudje z demenco živijo doma ob prisotnosti nekoga, ki za njih skrbi. Ko življenje doma več ni možno, gredo v dom za stare ljudi. Aktivnosti v domovih za stare ljudi so enake za vse ljudi z demenco, ne glede na starost. Spremembe, ki so se pojavile ob pojavu demence, so čustvene in osebnostne spremembe. Velika sprememba v življenju mlajših ljudi z demenco je bila predčasna upokojitev, saj so ob pojavu demence še delovno aktivni. Vloga socialnega dela je predvsem pri iskanju ustrezne namestitve za mlajšega človeka z demenco in informiranju glede pravic. Na centru za socialno delo pa sorodniki človeka z demenco lahko oddajo vlogo za dodatek za pomoč in postrežbo ter uredijo pooblastila. Socialno delo ima pomembno vlogo tudi pri zagotavljanju informacij o oblikah pomoči, svetovanju, usmerjanju in pomoči sorodnikom. Pomembno je tudi opozarjanje na problematiko demence pri mlajših ljudeh. Za mlajše ljudi z demenco primanjkuje specifičnih oblik pomoči. V prihodnosti bodo mlajši ljudje z demenco potrebovali več socialne oskrbe na domu, več oblik pomoči v domačem okolju in programov ter namestitev, namenjenih prav njim. Predlagam ozaveščanje ljudi o možnosti zgodnjega pojava demence in ohranjanje delovne aktivnosti pri mlajših ljudeh z demenco. Pomembno se mi zdi tudi, da v prihodnje raziskave o tej temi vključimo mlajše ljudi z demenco.

Keywords:demenca, mlajši ljudje z demenco, zgodnja demenca, oblike pomoči, socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119498 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32798467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Dementia in people under the age of sixty-five
The theoretical part of the thesis presents the definition of dementia, its symptoms and describes the types of the disease. Following this, I described models of understanding dementia and the role of social work. I also wrote about the incidence of dementia in people under the age of sixty-five in this part of the thesis. I listed and described the forms of help available to people with dementia. I conducted qualitative research which focused on the needs of younger people with dementia and their relatives in long-term care. I wanted to find out what changes dementia brought into their lives and where relatives got help and information about helping a person with dementia. I was also interested in the role of social work in supporting people with dementia and their relatives and what forms of assistance are available to them. I used a questionnaire to obtain this data. The results showed that younger people with dementia live at home with someone who is their caregiver. When living at home is no longer possible, they move to a nursing home. Activities provided at nursing homes are the same for everyone suffering from dementia, regardless of age. The changes occurring with the onset of dementia affect both emotions and personality. A major change in the lives of younger sufferers is early retirement because they are still economically active when dementia occurs. Social work should primarily find suitable accommodation for a young person with dementia and inform them about their rights. Relatives of a person with dementia can apply for a care allowance and arrange authorization at a social work centre. Social work also plays an important role in informing about forms of assistance, counselling, guidance and assistance to relatives. It is also important to draw attention to the problem of dementia in younger people. There is a lack of specific forms of help for younger sufferers. They will need more social care at home in the future as well as other kinds of domestic help, programs and accommodation intended for younger people with dementia. I suggest raising awareness about the possibility of early-onset dementia and maintaining work activity in younger people with dementia. I also find it important to include younger people with dementia in any future research on this topic.

Keywords:dementia, young people with dementia, early-onset dementia, kinds of help, social work

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