
Nadgradnja informacijskega sistema podjetja na osnovi platforme PowerBuilder
ID KESTNAR, BLAŽ (Author), ID Sedlar, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je predstavitev migracije iz razvijalskega okolja PowerBuilder 12.5.2 na okolje PowerBuilder 2019 R2. V podjetju 3Tav se kot razvijalsko okolje uporablja integrirano razvojno okolje PowerBuilder, ki pa je zaradi malo starejše verzije iz leta 2012 potrebno posodobitve, zato smo se odločili, da v okviru diplomske naloge začnemo z načrtovanjem posodobitve programov, s katerim želimo programe narediti še bolj logične za uporabo, predvsem pa jih posodobiti tudi na vizualni ravni. V prvem delu bomo predstavili podjetje, nato osnovno logiko in delovanje okolja PowerBuilder 12.5.2, ki sta enaka v vseh verzijah. Kasneje bomo opisali vse spremembe, ki so se zgodile v zadnjih sedmih letih in so se izkazale kot najbolj koristne, da se uporabijo pri posodobitvah s prikazom praktične uporabe implementacije. Raziskali smo tudi možnosti uporabe komponent, razvitih s strani razvijalcev okolja PowerBuilder, s katerimi bi si olajšali delo in pohitrili posodobitev naših programov. V praktičnem delu smo z uporabo novo pridobljenih znanj prenovili okolje 3Tav, namenjeno zagonu programov v našem informacijskem sistemu IS21. Celoten proces smo dokumentirali, podajamo pa tudi primerjavo delovanja in izgleda pred prenovo in po prenovi.

Keywords:programska oprema, IDE, informacijski sistem, PowerBuilder, migracija, nadgradnja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119392 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Upgrade of the company's information system based on the PowerBuilder platform
The purpose of the thesis is to present the migration from the development environment PowerBuilder 12.5.2 to environment PowerBuilder 2019 R2. The company 3Tav uses the integrated development environment PowerBuilder as a development environment, but due to a slightly older version from 2012 updates are needed, therefore we decided to start planning program updates as a part of the diploma thesis, with which we want to make programs even more logical to use, and above all to update them on a visual level. In the first part, we will present the company, then the basic logic and operation of PowerBuilder 12.5.2 which are the same in all versions. Later, we will describe all the changes that have taken place in the last seven years and have proven to be the most useful to apply in updates showing the practical application of the implementation. We also explored the possibilities of using components developed by PowerBuilder developers to make our work easier and speed up the updating of our programs. In a practical part, we used newly acquired knowledge to renovate the 3Tav environment intended for launching programs in our IS21 information system. We have documented the entire process, and we also provide a comparison of performance and appearance before and after the renovation.

Keywords:software, IDE, information system, PowerBuilder, migration, update

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