
Načini razbremenitve strokovnih delavk in delavcev s področja zaščite otrok in mladostnikov : magistrsko delo
ID Stibilj, Gaja (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo na področju socialnega varstva je polno izzivov. Eno izmed najbolj stresnih področij socialnega dela je področje zaščite otrok in mladostnikov, kjer se strokovne delavke in strokovni delavci srečujejo s stiskami in travmami uporabnikov, z njihovimi težkimi zgodbami, s stresnimi situacijami in s številnimi pritiski (družbe, institucij, posameznikov, kot tudi s svojimi lastnimi). Strokovne delavke oz. strokovni delavci predstavljajo obenem institucijo nadzora in zaveznikov, soudeleženih v procesu. Prisoten je tudi stres, povezan s postopkom odvzema otroka. V pričujočem delu se osredotočam na vire moči strokovnih delavk ter varovalne dejavnike, ki pripomorejo k soočanjem z vsakodnevnimi obremenitvami na delovnem mestu. Izvedla sem poglobljene intervjuje s strokovnimi delavkami s področja zaščite otrok in mladostnikov in s predstavnicami vodstva istega CSD (pomočnic direktorice ter direktorico). S kvalitativno raziskavo sem raziskovala individualne načine razbremenitev strokovnih delavk, ter kako k njihovi razbremenitvi pripomore CSD. Pri tem sem bila pozorna na njihove želje in potrebe ter na sistemske ureditve, predvsem na zakonodajo in vlogo pristojnega ministrstva, ki si kot organizacija prizadeva za socialne spremembe in varovanje človekovih pravic. Raziskovala sem, kaj bi strokovne delavke s področja zaščite otrok in mladostnikov pri obstoječih načinih varovanja pred stresom in izgorelostjo ter načinih razbremenitve (ki jo imajo na razpolago) (še) potrebovale, da bi bile za delo bolje opremljene in okrepljene. Na podlagi ugotovitev predlagam aktivno vključevanje strokovnih delavk sodelujočega CSD v zadeve celotne organizacije. Torej v soustvarjanje delovnega okolja z udeležbo pri nagovarjanju pomembnih delovnih in drugih organizacijskih vprašanjih, organizaciji dela ter naslavljanju strategij soočanja s stresom in z izgorelostjo. Predlagam tudi mreženje in povezovanje med enotami sodelujočega CSD, kot tudi med preostalimi centri za socialno delo po Sloveniji, z namenom deljenja izkušenj, znanj, podpore zaposlenih in pomoči zaposlenim.

Keywords:center za socialno delo, zaščita otrok in mladostnikov, travma, stres, izgorelost, razbremenitev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Stibilj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119379 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37960963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Methods of stress relief among social workers in child welfare
Working in the field of social welfare is challenging. One of the most stressful fields of social work is child and adolescent welfare, where social workers come across distress and traumas of social service users, their rough stories, stressful situations and a lot of other pressures (by society, institutions, individuals as well as their own pressures). Social workers have to supervise the ones involved in the process, and at the same time, be their confederate. The procedure of removing a child from their home also comes with a lot of stress. In the following research I am focusing on the sources of strength and the protective factors of social workers, which help them cope with daily challenges in the workplace. I have conducted the in-depth interviews with the social workers working in the field of child and adolescent welfare and with the representatives of the same Social Work Centre (the assistant directors and the director herself). With the qualitative research I explored individual methods of stress relief among social workers and how does the Social Work Centre contribute to this. While doing the research, I paid attention to their needs and wishes as well as to the regulatory framework, especially to the legislation and the role of the competent ministry, which as an organization strives for social changes and the protection of human rights. I researched what (else) would the social workers, working in the field of child and adolescent welfare, need besides the already established methods of coping with stress and burnout at work, to be more prepared and efficient. Based on the findings, I propose the active involvement of the cooperating Social Work Centre’s social workers in the affairs of the entire organization, which means in co-creating a work environment by participating in addressing important work and other related organizational issues, in organizing work and in other questions regarding different strategies for coping with stress and burnout. I also propose connecting the units of the cooperating Social Work Centre and also other Social Work Centres in Slovenia for the purpose of sharing the experience, knowledge, support and help among the social workers.

Keywords:social work centre, child welfare, trauma, stress, burnout, stress relief

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