
Dejavnosti z rastlinami v predšolskem obdobju
ID Požun, Katja (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gregorčič, Tanja (Comentor)

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Dejavnosti z rastlinami so v sklopu začetnega naravoslovja v predšolskem obdobju izjemnega pomena, tako za otroke kot tudi vzgojitelje. S svojim raziskovanjem, ustvarjalnostjo in radovednostjo nas otroci spodbujajo, da skupaj z njimi doživimo ter izkusimo celotno kraljestvo ter veličino rastlin. Rastline so v predšolski pedagogiki še danes zapostavljene, zato je še toliko bolj pomembno, da otrok ne prikrajšamo za izkušnje z rastlinami. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala izkušnje ter razmišljanje vzgojiteljic o dejavnostih z rastlinami v predšolskem obdobju. Skozi delno strukturirane intervjuje z naključno izbranimi vzgojiteljicami iz slovenskih vrtcev sem pridobila informacije o njihovem poznavanju priporočil Kurikuluma za vrtce ter otrokovega znanja o rastlinah, o njihovi uporabi pedagoških pristopov in metod dela ter o vplivu dejavnosti na otroke. Ugotovila sem, da večina vzgojiteljic Kurikulum za vrtce uporablja kot iztočnico za ideje ter zamisli pri načrtovanju dejavnosti z rastlinami. Vzgojiteljice si prizadevajo, da otrokom omogočajo različne tematske, konkretne in izkušenjske ter vsakodnevne dejavnosti z rastlinami. Ugotavljam, da imajo otroci o rastlinah usvojene tako pravilne kot napačne predstave, ki zaradi pomanjkljivega znanja ter pomanjkanja izkušenj pri večini otrok temeljijo predvsem na logičnem sklepanju. Dejstvo je, da se znanje ter izkušnje o rastlinah od otroka do otroka razlikujejo, na kar posledično vpliva razvoj in starost otrok, njihovo predznanje o rastlinah ter okolje, iz katerega otroci prihajajo. Vzgojiteljice so enotnega mnenja, da rastline otroke pomirjajo ter na njih vplivajo pozitivno, zato le v dejavnostih, kjer se otroci aktivno učijo z neposrednim stikom z rastlinami, vidijo konkreten napredek v znanju ter razgledanosti otrok o rastlinah.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119323 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27313923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Activities with plants in preschool: preschool teacher's viewpoint
Activities with plants are extremely important for both children and educators as a part of the initial science in preschool period. Through their exploration, creativity and curiosity children encourage us to experience whole kingdom and greatness of plants together with them. Plants are still neglected in preschool pedagogy today, so it is all the more important that we do not deprive children of the experience of plants. In my diploma thesis I researched the experiences and thoughts of educators about activities with plants in the preschool period. Through partially structured interviews with randomly selected educators from Slovenian kindergartens, I gained information about their knowledge of the recommendations of the Kindergarten Curriculum and children's knowledge about plants, their use of pedagogical approaches and methods of work and the impact of activities on children. I have found that most educators use the Kindergarten Curriculum as a starting point for ideas and concepts when planning plant activities. Educators strive to provide children with a variety of thematic, concrete and experiential and daily activities with plants. I find that children have acquired both right and wrong ideas about plants, which, due to the lack of knowledge and lack of experience in most children, are based primarily on logical reasoning. The fact is that experiences with plants vary from child to child, which in turn is influenced by the development and age of children, their prior knowledge of plants and the environment from which children come.


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