
Oblikovanje javnih politik na primeru reševanja problema sovražnega govora : diplomsko delo
ID Vatovec, Jaka (Author), ID Pušnik, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sovražni govor je v družbi prisoten že od nekdaj, a kljub temu ostaja v večini sodobnih demokratičnih družb pravno nereguliran. En del stroke poziva k enotni definiciji sovražnega govora in kaznovanju uporabe le tega, medtem ko drugi del opozarja, da bi pregroba regulacija sovražnega govora kršila pravico do svobode izražanja. V diplomskem delu je analizirana vloga akterjev v javnopolitičnem procesu na področju problematike sovražnega govora v Sloveniji, odnosi med njimi in razmerja moči v vzpostavljenem javnopolitičnem omrežju. Analiza je zasnovana na primeru Zakona o varstvu pred diskriminacijo, ki vsaj deloma vsebuje tudi regulacijo problematike sovražnega govora. Odnose med akterji smo določili skozi analizo zapisnikov sej javnih posvetov in obravnav na matičnem delovnem telesu in Državnem zboru. Razmerja moči med akterji pa smo določili glede na delež uveljavljenih interesov posameznega akterja v končni vsebini Zakona o varstvu pred diskriminacijo. Po opravljeni analizi smo ugotovili, da so nekateri akterji uspeli uveljaviti svoje interese v večji meri kot drugi, torej lahko sklepamo, da so nekateri akterji v javnopolitičnem omrežju imeli večjo moč kot drugi. Po koncu analize pa se nam je zastavilo še dodatno vprašanje o razlogih zakaj sovražni govor v Sloveniji še vedno ostaja v veliki meri nereguliran.

Keywords:sovražni govor, javnopolitični proces, javnopolitično omrežje, Zakon o varstvu pred diskriminacijo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Vatovec]
Number of pages:49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119292 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28721155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Public policy making in the case of solving the problem of hate speech
Hate speech has always been present in society, but it nevertheless remains legally unregulated in most modern democratic societies. One part of the profession calls for a uniform definition of hate speech and the punishment of its use, while the other part warns that strict regulation of hate speech would violate the right to freedom of expression. The diploma thesis analyzes the role of actors in the public policy process in the field of hate speech in Slovenia, relations between them and power relations in the established public policy network. The analysis is based on the case of the Protection against Discrimination Act, which at least partly includes the regulation of hate speech. The relations between the actors were determined through the analysis of the minutes of the sessions of public consultations and hearings at the parent working body and the National Assembly. The power relations between the actors were determined according to the share of the established interests of the individual actor in the final content of the Protection against Discrimination Act. After the analysis, we found that some actors managed to assert their interests to a greater extent than others, so we can conclude that some actors in the public policy network had more power than others.At the end of the analysis, we were faced with an additional question about the reasons why hate speech in Slovenia still remains unregulated.

Keywords:hate speech, public policy process, public policy network, Protection Against Discrimination Act

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