Introduction: With extension of life expectancy, there is more and more elderly with different diseases and limitations around the world. One of them is dementia which has influence on every aspect of person's life. With theraupetic use of music we want to impact on physical, emotional and mental deficits persons with dementia and we want to enable independent and safe performing of daily activities. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma was based on literature review, to determine how is music used in occupational therapy and how theraupetic use of music impact person with dementia. Methods: Literature was selected on internet database Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani, with access to different databases (Sage, Sciencedirect, Cohrane library, Medline – Pubmed, Whiley Online Library and others). Search of literature was proceeded with different combinations of key words (music, dementia, occupational therapy, elderly, quality of life, well-being) in slovene and english. In analysis we included articles available in full text, publicated between 2013 and 2020 in slovene and english language. Results: In the literature review was included 11 articles, of which 8 were randomized control clinical trials and 2 exploratory trials. There were at least 16 and at most 165 participations with average age from 77,5 to 89,6 years. Four articles included early stage of dementia, ten articles middle stage of dementia and five articles late stage of dementia. In articles there were used different musical acitivities. Persons with dementia mostly played on instruments, sang and moved with music. Discussion: Music with different rhythms and melodies effects individual emotional stability, self-confidence, self-growth, relaxation, restlessness, behaviour, cognitive and physical status and communcation. Studies had also shown positive effect on pursuing daily activities, improving quality of life person with dementia and caretaker and using less medications. Music as theraupetic medium can be used as music-assisted occupation, music as preparation and music as occupation. Musical activites that we can use are movement or dancing with music, singing, making music with body like clapping, playing on instruments, talking about music and feelings or just listening to music. Conclusion: Results show that therapeutic use of music has many positive effects on people with dementia, but there is not many literature available where occupational therapist perform treatment with music. In the future more researches should be done on field of occupational therapy with use of music.