With the socialization of dogs, many new breeds have been emerged. However, adapting breeds to certain patterns has also had certain negative consequences, such as poorer resistance. The dog's immune system is no longer as resistant as the immune system of its closest relative, the wolf. Allergies, which affect dogs of different breeds and ages, are therefore a common problem. In the B. Sc. Thesis we described what allergies are, what causes them, how we recognize them and how we deal with allergies. We compared commercially available dry and canned foods for dogs with allergies. Food for dogs with allergies usually consist only one or two sources of proteins. Proteins are present in food for dogs with allergies in smaller quantities than in food for healthy adult dogs. Comparing compound food for dogs with allergies and compound food for healthy adult dogs, we found that manufacturers add components to the food for healthy adult dogs, which improve skin and hair health and also have effect on digestion.