Subject of the master thesis is job satisfaction among cataloguers in slovenian public and academic libraries. It is a topic that has not yet been explored in the slovenian library space, which was one of the reasons why we tackled this topic. To find out how satisfied are they with their job, we conducted a survey among cataloguers in the mentioned libraries. The main aim of this research is to find out how satisfied the respondents are with individual factors of work and which factors are most important to them. Apart from that and demographic data of the respondents we also found out how long they work, whether they only deal with cataloging or have any other tasks a well, how they assess the complexity of individual cataloging procedures (and which ones bring them the most satisfaction or cause the most stress and problems), what are their plans for the future, how satisfied are they with their work overall, what problems or compliments do co-workers point out regarding cataloging and comments and suggestions. The obtained results were compared between public and academic libraries. We found a surprisingly high level of satisfaction among cataloguers, which is even slightly higher in academic libraries - improvements in the future are needed in the field of promotion and stimulation of work. This is the first research of its kind in Slovenia, which can largely serve the management of libraries to become aware of the importance and try to further improve employee satisfaction in the future.