
Načrtovanje in oblikovanje celostne grafične podobe za linijo funkcionalnih vod
ID Pavrič, Neža (Author), ID Toroš, Jani (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stanković Elesini, Urška (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu z naslovom Načrtovanje in oblikovanje celostne grafične podobe za linijo funkcionalnih vod je načrtovana in oblikovana celostna grafična podoba za linijo funkcionalnih vod ter pomožni marketinški material, namenjen njeni promociji. V delu so opisane glavne značilnosti in osnovni elementi celostne grafične podobe, ki definirajo končni videz izdelka ter glavne značilnosti embalaže in njene funkcije. Celostna grafična podoba je bila zasnovana na podlagi rezultatov, pridobljenih s pomočjo analize po MaxDiff metodi, ki nam je podala jasne informacije o preferencah posameznikov in tako pripomogla k definiranju oblikovalskih izhodišč ter usmerjenemu oblikovanju izdelka. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da se ljudje vedno bolj zavedajo pomembnosti zdravja ljudi in dobrega počutja. Poleg tega pa se zavedajo tudi negativnih ekoloških vplivov na okolje, ki jih s prekomerno proizvodnjo in uporabo embalaže ustvarja človek. Želijo si okusnega in naravnega izdelka, ki je pakiran v priročni in okolju prijazni embalaži ter poleg tega omogoča tudi uporabo embalaže po izpraznitvi. Seveda si na embalaži želijo jasno podane informacije o izdelku. Rezultati analize in izsledki iz teoretičnega dela so nam bili v pomoč pri definiranju izhodišč za oblikovanje končnega izdelka in so nam služili kot vodilo za uspešno oblikovanje celostne grafične podobe, ki zadovolji želje in potrebe potencialnih kupcev, privabi njihovo pozornost in s tem pripomore k večji prepoznavnosti tovrstnih izdelkov. Zasnovali smo celostno podobo izdelka, ki skozi vizualno podobo, ki vključuje izbiro ustrezne barvne sheme, pisave in ostalih grafičnih elementov, jasno podaja informacije o izdelku in njegovem namenu.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, embalaža, funkcionalne vode, oblikovalska izhodišča, promocijski material
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119262 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Planning and Designing Corporate Identity for Functional Waters Line
In the master’s thesis, Planning and designing of a corporate identity for the line of functional waters, a corporate identity for the line of functional waters and auxiliary marketing materials for product promotion of the line were planned and designed. The paper describes the main characteristics and basic elements of the corporate identity, which define the final appearance of the product and the main characteristics of the packaging and its function. The corporate identity was designed based on the results obtained by the MaxDiff method analysis, which gave us clear information about the preferences of individuals and thus helped to define the starting points for design and targeted the product design. The results of the analysis showed that people are increasingly aware of the importance of human health and well-being. In addition, it showed that they are aware of the negative ecological impacts created by man through the excessive production and use of packaging. People desire a tasty, natural product that is packaged in convenient and environmentally friendly packaging, which also allows them to re-use the packaging. In addition, they want clearly stated product information on the packaging. The results of the analysis and the results from the theoretical part helped us to define the starting points for the design of the final product and served as a guide for the successful design of a corporate identity that satisfies the desires and needs of potential customers, attracts their attention, and thus contributes to greater visibility of such products. We have designed a corporate image that clearly provides information about the product and its purpose through a visual image that includes the selection of a suitable color schemes, typefaces, and other graphic elements.

Keywords:corporate identity, design starting points, functional waters, packaging, promotional material

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