
Identifikacija grafičnih parametrov uspešnih setov igralnih kart na trgu
ID Gajšek, Maj (Author), ID Stanković Elesini, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena kratka zgodovina setov igralnih kart, od skromnih začetkov v azijskih deželah, do njihove razširitve na evropska tla. Predstavljeno je, kako se je njihova oblika spreminjala skozi čas in kulture od mameluškega do mavrskega seta ter opisane so danes najbolj znane vrste setov igralnih kart. V nalogi so prikazane različne uporabe igralnih kart, in sicer v običajne namene igranja različnih iger, kot pripomoček za čaranje, v zbirateljstvu in hitro rastočem trendu “cardistry”, ki temelji na elegantnem, tekočem in spretnem rokovanju ter mešanju kart. V raziskovalnem delu smo ovrednotili dejavnike izdelave in estetskega izgleda kart. Raziskali smo digitalne tržne kanale, kot so spletne strani in platforme množičnega financiranja (crowdfunding), na katerih so seti igralnih kart dostopni, ter definirali njihovo ciljno skupino. Na znanih tržnih kanalih smo določili tri dobro prodajane sete igralnih kart in določili dejavnike izdelave in estetskega izgleda, ki pripomorejo k uspešni prodaji. Identificirane faktorje izdelave in oblikovanja smo potrdili s pomočjo ciljne skupine na tržnih kanalih. S pomočjo vprašalnika smo pridobili intimen vpogled v želje in zahteve izdelave, oblikovanja in marketinga naše ciljne skupine. Iz dobljenih rezultatov smo prišli zaključka, da ima vsaka ciljna skupina specifične želje, kako naj bi bil set igralnih kart oblikovan in izdelan. S pomočjo ankete smo ugotovili, da običajni igralci igralnih kart stremijo po prilagojenosti hrbtne strani kart, kreativnosti, prilagojenosti jokerja in dvornih kart, in da so karte izdelane iz kakovostnega papirja (slednja želja je prisotna pri vseh ciljnih skupinah). Čarodeji so pozorni na način rezanja igralnih kart iz tiskarske pole in dajo večjo pozornost folijskem akcentom, slepemu tisku in premazu. Čarodeji posvečajo veliko pozornosti oblikovanju. Mojstri Cardistry so veliko bolj liberalni s prilagoditvami, imajo močno željo po personalizaciji njihovih kart, ter si želijo prilagoditve, ki jih omenjamo pri čarodejih. Oblikovanje setov Cardistry je veliko bolj geometrične in simplistične narave. Zbiratelji so veliko bolj usmerjeni v unikatnost kupčka igralnih kart, želijo si pridobiti unikaten izdelek, ki bo bogatil njihovo zbirko. Dobljeni rezultati bodo oblikovalcem omogočili spoznavanje zahtev pri oblikovanju igralnih kart za ciljne skupine ter posredno pripomogli k bolj učinkovitemu prodoru na trg igralnih kart.

Keywords:set igralnih kart, zgodovina igralnih kart, grafični parametri, tržna analiza, oblikovanje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119253 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Identifying design parameters of successfully selling playing card sets on the market
The thesis presents a brief history of playing cards from their humble beginnings in Asian countries to their rapid expansion into Europe. The thesis analyzes the common types of playing card sets and outlines playing card changes throw time with well-known examples like the Mamluk, Morish, and the now famous French playing card set. The thesis shows many different playing cards uses ranging from common playing games to magic, collecting, and also a new fast-growing trend called Cardistry the skilful handling and shuffling of cards. In the research part, we evaluate the key factors that contribute to the esthetics of a playing card set. Throw research we expose popular digital marketing channels such as websites and crowdfunding platforms which are often visited by our target group. Throw analyzing well-known marketing channels we isolated three well-sold playing card sets and determined the production and aesthetic factors that contributed to their success. The identified factors were confirmed by our target audience. With the use of a questionnaire, we were able to acquire insight into the design and production requirements of our potential customers. The questionnaire segments the user base of popular marketing channels into four different groups based on their answers. Insights obtained throw the questionnaire helped us understand that each target group has its own list of requirements in regards to the design and production of a playing card set. Using the questionnaire, we found that ordinary players strive for creativity, customization of the joker, court cards, and back designs. The wish for high paper quality is present in every group. Magicians tend to pay more attention to the way their cards are cut from the printing sheet; they tend to prefer foil accents, embossing, paper coatings, and finishes. Cardistry performers are much more liberal with customizing their cards. They have a strong desire to personalize their cards, and also tend to like the same customization techniques as the magicians this being said Cardistry sets are of more geometric and simplistic nature in contrast to magicians & collectors playing card sets which are more detailed. Collectors in contrast are much more focused on the uniqueness of the playing card sets; they wish to obtain a unique product that enriches their collection. The results gathered in the thesis will enable designers to get an intimate understanding of what makes a successful playing card set and how to easily penetrate the playing card market.

Keywords:playing card set, history of playing cards, graphic parameters, market analysis, design

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