
Doživljanje socialnih delavcev in socialnih delavk ob umiranju in smrti uporabnikov in uporabnic : diplomsko delo
ID Zaplatar, Tina (Author), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem doživljanje socialnih delavcev in socialnih delavk ob umiranju in smrti uporabnikov in uporabnic. V teoretičnem uvodu predstavim smrt kot tabu temo, strah pred smrtjo, smrt in umiranje v današnjem svetu, socialno delo in umiranje, žalovanje s fazami žalovanja in oblike pomoči. V raziskavo sem vključila socialne delavke in socialne delavce, ki delajo kot socialni delavci v Sloveniji. Želela sem ugotoviti, kako socialne delavke in socialni delavci doživljajo smrt uporabnikov, kako si pomagajo, kadar so v stiskah zaradi smrti uporabnikov, katere oblike pomoči so jim na voljo, kako na njihovo žalovanje vpliva čas in izkušnje, kako smrt uporabnikov vpliva na njihovo osebno življenje. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo, v katero sem vključila 10 socialnih delavk oziroma socialnih delavcev, in rezultati so pokazali, da socialne delavke oziroma socialni delavci doživljajo stiske zaradi umiranja in smrti uporabnikov, ki so pogostejše pri osebah z manj izkušnjami. Za lajšanje stisk se poslužujejo različnih oblik pomoči, ki so jim na voljo (supervizija, intervizija), in samoiniciativnih oblik pomoči. Zaznavajo tudi pomanjkanje znanja, predvsem na začetku poklicne poti. Ugotovila sem, da bi bilo smiselno v učni program študija socialnega dela vključiti več tem, povezanih s smrtjo in umiranjem. Predlagam, da socialne delavke in socialni delavci pri delodajalcu dobijo ustrezno in zadostno obliko pomoči.

Keywords:smrt, umiranje, stiske, žalovanje, doživljanje socialnih delavcev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Zaplatar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119236 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36829955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences of social workers during the process of dying and the moment of death of their users
In my diploma thesis, I research the experience of social workers during the process of dying and the moment of death of their users. In the theoretical introduction, I present death as a taboo, the fear of death, death and dying in today’s world, social work and dying, mourning with the stages of mourning, and forms of help. In the research I included social workers working as social workers in Slovenia. I wanted to find out how social workers experience the death of users, how they help themselves when they are in distress due to the death of users, what forms of help are available to them, how their grief is affected by time and experience, how the death of users affects their personal lives. I conducted a qualitative survey involving 10 social workers, and the results showed that social workers experience distress due to the dying and deaths of users, which are more common in workers with less experience. To alleviate distress, they use various forms of help available to them (supervision, intervision) and self-initiated forms of help. They also perceive a lack of knowledge, especially at the early stage of their careers. I found that it would be reasonable to include more topics related to death and dying in the social work study curriculum. I suggest that social workers receive an appropriate and sufficient form of help from the employer.

Keywords:death, dying, distress, mourning, experience of social workers

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