
Odkrivanje parametrov serijskih bliskovnih pomnilnikov po standardu SFDP
ID KALEM, ROBERT (Author), ID Šter, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uporaba vgrajenih sistemov se vztrajno širi na mnoga področja, tako se zahteve od sistema do sistema lahko zelo razlikujejo. Zahteve pomnilniških naprav v vgrajenih sistemih prav tako zavisijo od njihove zahtevnosti in implementacije. V primeru sistemov, ki za delovanje potrebujejo obsežno kodo, se zaradi cenovnih ugodnosti pogosto odločimo za uporabo serijskega bliskovnega pomnilnika. Med razvojem takšnega sistema se zahteve lahko spremenijo in je potrebno uporabiti drugačen serijski bliskovni pomnilnik, pri čemer je komunikacijo z novim pomnilnikom potrebno primerno nastaviti. Da bi poenostavili postopek takšne menjave, smo izkoristili parametre iz tabel standarda SFDP ter napisali generičen vmesnik, ki te parametre upošteva pri nastavljanju komunikacije SPI. Opravili smo raziskavo o podprtosti standarda v bliskovnih pomnilnikih na trgu in si priskrbeli večje število pomnilnikov, ki standard podpirajo. Programsko kodo vmesnika smo napisali v programskem jeziku C++ ter jo implementirali v razvojnem okolju winIDEA, ki ga razvijamo v podjetju iSYSTEM Labs. Delovanje smo te- stirali na vseh bliskovnih pomnilnikih, ki so nam bili na voljo. V zaključku diplomske naloge smo si zastavili tudi cilje za nadaljnji razvoj.

Keywords:vgrajeni sistemi, serijska komunikacija, bliskovni pomnilniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27761923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Serial flash memory parameters discovery using the SFDP standard
The use of embedded systems is steadily expanding in many fields, so the requirements can vary greatly between different systems. The requirements of storage devices in embedded systems also depend on their complexity and implementation. In case of systems that require extensive code to operate properly, we often choose to use serial peripheral memory for cost reasons. During the development of such systems, the requirements may change and a different serial flash memory may have to be used, so the communication with the new memory must be set appropriately. In order to simplify the process of such replacement, we applied the parameters from the tables of the SFDP standard and wrote a generic interface that uses these parameters when setting up the SPI communication. We researched the support of the standard in serial flash devices currently on the market and acquired a great number of devices that support the standard. The interface code was written in C++ and implemented in the winIDEA development environment, developed by iSYSTEM Labs. We tested and validated the performance on all the accessible SPI flash memory devices. At the end of the thesis we set the goals for further development of the interface.

Keywords:embedded systems, serial communication, flash memory

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