
Psihosocialne težave družin, ki skrbijo za sorodnika s težavami v duševnem zdravju : diplomsko delo
ID Palhartinger-Perc, Liza (Author), ID Flaker, Vito (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osrednja tema diplomske naloge so psihosocialne težave družin, ki skrbijo za sorodnika s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Ključni del teoretičnega dela je, kako se družine spoprijemajo s duševnimi težavami sorodnika, kakšno vlogo imajo in kako naj bi duševne težave na svojce vplivale. Raziskava je bila kvalitativna, empirična in eksplorativna. V raziskavi sem sogovornike spraševala o oskrbi, ki jo izvajajo, o možnih spremembah v družinskem življenju in o spremembah, ki so jih doživeli na osebni ravni. Raziskovala sem načine prilagajanja družin na pojav duševnih stisk, kot tudi stiske, ovire in težave, s katerimi se družine spoprijemajo. Raziskovala pa sem tudi oblike in vire pomoči, ki so jih svojci v primeru težav uporabili, in njihovo učinkovitost. Družinski člani ljudi s težavami v duševnem zdravju poročajo o spremembah na družinski in osebni ravni. Večinoma so se odnosi v družini poslabšali, zaradi pogostejših konfliktov, slabšega in oteženega sporazumevanja. Ponekod pa so se odnosi spremenili na bolje, saj je med družinskimi člani več sodelovanja, pomoči, iskrenosti in komunikacije. Spremenile so se tudi družinske vloge. Družinski člani so pogosto prevzeli glavnino skrbi z namenom razbremenitve svojca s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Na osebni ravni so se svojci pogosto spopadali z negativnimi čustvi, kot so jeza, zmeda in zaskrbljenost. Pomanjkanje časa zaradi oskrbe in čustvene preobremenjenosti je spremenilo družabno življenje svojcev, ter njihove hobije in interese. Poleg tega se družinski člani spopadajo z več ovirami. Težave imajo z usklajevanjem obveznosti, finančno preobremenjenostjo, predvsem pa jih ovira pomanjkanje podpore in nezadostna pomoč. Pogosto se je zaradi duševnih težav sorodnika in spremljajočih sprememb poslabšalo tudi njihovo zdravje in počutje. Posledično so tudi sami poiskali pomoč. Pri tem so naleteli na nekaj težav, saj jim je primanjkovalo znanja o vrstah pomoči, ki so jim na voljo. Informacije, ki so jih prejeli, so jim bile že znane ali pa so bile pomanjkljive. Čeprav so bili tudi sami v stiski, so nekateri s težavo poiskali pomoč, saj so težko govorili o svojih stiskah, hkrati so se spoprijemali z občutkom, da jim pomoč ne pripada. Sogovorniki so najpogosteje iskali pomoč v literaturi in na spletu, saj jim je bila na ta način najlažje in najhitreje dostopna. Deležni so bili tudi strokovne pomoči s strani psihoterapevtov, psihiatrov in psihologov, ter s strani zaupanja vrednih ljudi, kot so prijatelji in sorodniki. Svojci si želijo predvsem več podpore, pomoči in razumevanja s strani drugih. Navsezadnje pa si želijo tudi več znanja, ki bi jim omogočilo, da v času duševne krize svojcu zagotovijo ustrezno podporo in pomoč.

Keywords:obremenitev, duševna stiska, družinska oskrba, duševno zdravje v skupnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Palhartinger-Perc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119201 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35698691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Psychosocial Problems of Families Caring for a Relative with Mental Health Difficulties
The main topic of this graduation thesis are the psychosocial problems of families caring for a relative with mental health problems. The main focus of theoretical part is on how family members adapt to mental health problems of their relative and how those mental problems affect them individually as well as the whole family. The research was qualitative, empirical and exploratory. In the research I asked participants about the care they provide to a person with mental health problems, about possible changes in their family life and changes they have experienced on a personal level. Furthermore, I asked them about the ways they tried to adapt to the occurrence of mental health problems. Finally, I researched the barriers, hardships and problems they face and the forms and sources of help they used in times of those. Family members of people with mental health problems report changes on personal and family level. For the most part, family relations deteriorated, due to more frequent conflicts and poorer communication. In some families, however, relations have changed for the better, as there is more cooperation and support among family members, as well as more honesty and communication. Research shows that family roles have also changed, Family members often took over the bulk of the financial care and household chores, with the aim of relieving the relative who struggles with mental health problems. On a personal level, relatives often struggled with negative emotions such as anger, confusion and anxiety. Due to the lack of time and emotional overburden the social life of the relatives drastically changed as well as their hobbies. In addition to the overstrain, family members face several obstacles. They struggle with coordinating obligations, financial overload, and above all lack of assistance and support. Because of that their own mental wellbeing has deteriorated, and they sought help themselves. They encountered several difficulties in doing so, as they lacked knowledge about existing sources of help or the help that they received was insufficient. Furthermore, some found it difficult to talk about their struggles or felt that their struggles are not valid enough for them to receive help. Nonetheless family members often sought help in literature and online, as this type of help was the easiest and fastest. Some also received professional help from psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists, as well as from trusted people such as friends and other relatives. Above all, family members want more support, help and understanding from others. Lastly, they want more knowledge that will enable them to offer appropriate support and help to their relatives in times of mental crisis.

Keywords:stress, mental distress, family care, community mental health

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