
Vpliv relativne vlažnosti na kazanje sevalnih termometrov
ID OMEJC, JERNEJ (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Temperatura je največkrat izmerjena fizikalna veličina. Pove nam, kako vroče ali mrzlo je neko telo ali snov, določena pa je s povprečno kinetično energijo, ki jo to telo ali snov vsebuje. Merimo jo s termometri, katerih poznamo več tipov. Eden izmed tipov so tudi sevalni termometri oziroma pirometri, s katerimi je realizirana mednarodna temperaturna lestvica nad strdiščem srebra (961,78 °C). Sevalni termometri oziroma pirometri izkoriščajo dejstvo, da vsi objekti, ki imajo temperaturo nad absolutno ničlo (T = 0 K) sevajo določeno količino termične energije. To sevanje sevalni termometri zaznajo z detektorjem in ga pretvorijo v električni signal, na podlagi katerega nam po zapletenem preračunu pokažejo temperaturo. Ena od prednosti sevalnih termometrov je njihova brezkontaktna raba, ki pa za sabo potegne tudi številne negativne vplive na merjenja z njimi. Negativno na merjenja s sevalnimi termometri lahko vpliva tudi relativna vlažnost, ki povzroči atmosfersko absorpcijo pri nekaterih valovnih dolžinah, kar vodi do višje ali nižje izmerjene temperature telesa, saj atmosfera zaradi tega, ker ni dovolj prozorna, ne omogoča prenosa zadostne količine toplotnega sevanja od merjenca do sevalnega termometra. Da se temu problemu izognemo, moramo za merjenje temperature izbrati sevalne termometre, ki delujejo v območju ustreznih valovnih dolžin, da je vpliv atmosferske absorpcije čim manjši. Poznavanje negativnih vplivov na sevalne termometre je tako zelo pomembno za točno izvajanje meritev z njimi.

Keywords:toplotno sevanje, vpliv relativne vlažnosti, sevalni termometer, merjenje temperature
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119133 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Title:Influence of relative humidity on the indication of radiation thermometers
Temperature is the most commonly measured physical quantity. It tells us how hot or cold a body or substance is, and is determined by the average kinetic energy contained in that body or substance. Temperature is measured with thermometers. We know several types of them. One of the types are radiation thermometers or pyrometers. With them, the international temperature scale above the freezing point of silver (961,78 °C) is realized. Radiation thermometers or pyrometers are taking the advantage of the fact, that all objects with a temperature above absolute zero (T = 0 K) are radiating a certain amount of thermal energy. Radiation thermometers are detecting this radiation with a detector and converting it into an electric signal. On the basis of that signal they perform complicated calculation and display the temperature. One of the advantages of radiation thermometers is their non-contact use, which on the other hand also entails many negative effects on their measurements. Measurements can also be negatively affected by relative humidity, which causes atmospheric absorption at certain wavelenghts, which leads to higher or lower measured body or substance temperature. That happens because the atmosphere, due to its lack of transparency, does not allow sufficient heat radiation to be transmitted from body or substance to the radiation thermometer. To avoid this problem, we must choose radiation thermometers that measure in the range of appropriate wavelenghts, so that the impact of atmospheric absorption is minimized. After all we can say that knowing the negative effects on radiation thermometers is thus very important for accurate measurements with them.

Keywords:thermal radiation, effect of relative humidity, radiation thermometer, temperature measurement

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