
Soobratovanje fotonapetostne in konvencionalne elektrarne
ID REDEK, GREGA (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomske naloge je predstavitev optimizacijskega modela za soobratovanje fotonapetostne elektrarne in hidroelektrarne. Kriterijska funkcija optimizacije je povečanje vrednosti proizvedene električne energije iz fotonapetostne elektrarne in hidroelektrarne. V modelu uporabljamo enoagregatni model hidroelektrarne ter izkoriščamo prožnost in dnevno zmogljivost akumulacije z namenom zamika proizvodnje električne energije iz fotovoltaike v ure, kjer je to ekonomsko upravičeno. Model smo preizkusili na hipotetičnem primeru hidro verige v sooptimizaciji s fotonapetostno elektrarno relevantne velikosti, kjer smo za izhodišče urne dinamike vzeli urno meritev proizvodnje hidroelektrarne in fotonapetostne elektrarne Dravskih elektrarn Maribor. Narejena je tudi analiza časovne zahtevnosti modela glede na njegovo natančnost. Enoagregatni model je izbran zaradi poenostavitve prikaza soobratovanja, kjer je v ospredju soobratovanje dveh različnih tipov elektrarn in ne natančen opis delovanja portfelja. Izkaže se, da v primeru, ko imamo v proizvodnem portfelju poleg konvencionalnih elektrarn tudi elektrarne, ki so sposobne zamika primarnega, to prinese večji prihodek.

Keywords:optimizacija, sončna elektrarne, hidroelektrarna, trg z električno energijo, trg z električno energijo v Sloveniji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119127 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperation of photovoltaic and conventional power plants
The aim of the diploma thesis is to present an optimization model for the co-operation of a photovoltaic and hydroelectric power plant. The criterion function of optimization is to increase the value of electricity produced from a photovoltaic power plant and a hydroelectric power plant. The model uses a single-unit model of a hydroelectric power plant and uses the flexibility and daily capacity of the reservoir in order to shift the production of electricity from photovoltaics to hours where it is economically justified. The model was tested on a hypothetical example of a hydro chain in co-optimization with a photovoltaic power plant of relevant size, where we took the hourly measurement of the production of the hydroelectric power plant and the photovoltaic power plant of Dravske elektrarne Maribor as the starting point for hourly dynamics. An analysis of the temporal complexity of the model in terms of its accuracy is also performed. The single-unit model was chosen for the sake of simplifying the presentation of co-operation, where the co-operation of two different types of power plants is in the foreground and not a precise description of the operation of the portfolio. It turns out that if, in addition to conventional power plants, we also have power plants in our production portfolio that are capable of delaying the primary one, this brings higher revenue.

Keywords:optimization, photovoltaic power plant, hydro power plant, electricity market, Slovenian electricity market

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