
Trajnostna kolekcija inspirirana v otroštvu
ID Miklavčič, Anita (Author), ID Peršuh, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 978D44B53CA7F301DF1D03BA829338E1

V svoji diplomski nalogi z naslovom “Trajnostna kolekcija inspirirana v otroštvu” sem svoje otroštvo uporabila kot glavno inspiracijo ženske trajnostne kolekcije. Raziskovala sem oblačilne silhuete in detajle oblačil, ki sem jih nosila kot otrok, jih interpretirala in posodobila na svoj način. Pomemben del kolekcije pa so tudi trajnostni pristopi, saj je bila kolekcija v celoti izdelana iz odpadnih oz. materialov iz druge roke. Projekt sem teoretično podprla z raziskovanjem revije Burda, ki je tesno povezana z mojim odraščanjem in odnosom do oblačil. Začne se z raziskavo zgodovine revije in življenjsko zgodbo ustanoviteljice le te, Aenne Burda, ki je bila revolucionarna ženska takratnega časa. Raziskala sem pomen revije in posledice, ki jih je pustila v družbi na svojem začetku, v času mojega otroštva ter vlogo revije in fundacije Burda danes. Raziskovala sem tudi trajnostne pristope k oblikovanju oblačil in predstavila nekaj slovenskih in tujih znamk z dobrimi trajnostnimi praksami. V eksperimentalnem delu sem predstavila proces izdelave kolekcije. Začela sem z inspiracijskimi kolaži, ki so služili kot prikaz vzdušja kolekcije. Skozi skice silhuet v izbrani barvni paleti in z uporabljenimi materiali sem naslikala koncept otroštva. Zanimiva se mi je zdela ideja otroških oblačil in detajlov na odraslih velikostih, zaradi igre s proporci, oblikami in zaradi občutka nostalgije. Nadaljevala sem z opisom in vizualno predstavo ciljne publike. Zaključila pa sem z estetsko foto zgodbo kolekcije. Cilj mojega diplomskega dela je bil ustvariti kolekcijo, ki deluje zelo otroško in igrivo, vendar je namenjena odraslim uporabnicam in še vedno povsem modna, nosljiva in trajnostna. Nosljivost v smislu funkcionalnosti in udobja ob nošenju oblačil se mi zdi najpomembnejši element oblikovanja kolekcije, saj sem mnenja, da so najmanj trajnostni kosi oblačil tisti, ki jih nihče ne more nositi in stojijo v omari.

Keywords:otroštvo, trajnostni pristopi, revija Burda, ženska moda, trajnostna kolekcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119120 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Title:Sustainable collection inspired by childhood
In my thesis titled “Sustainable collection inspired by childhood” I put my childhood as a main inspiration for a womenswear sustainable collection. I was researching silhouettes and details of clothes which I used to wear as a kid and I upgraded and interpreted them in my own way. One of the most important parts of the collection was a sustainable approach to designing it. The collection was entirely made out of second hand, dead stock and waste materials. In the theoretical part I researched the Burda magazine which is tightly connected to my growing up and the way I view clothes, I presented the author Aenne Burda who was a revolutionary women of her time and the magazine’s impact on the society in its beginnings, in the times of my childhood and the importance of the magazine and Burda foundation now. I also discussed sustainable principles in designing clothes and I introduced a few Slovenian and foreign brands with great sustainable practices. The empirical part of the thesis focuses on the design process of the collection. I began with inspirational mood boards and collages to present the mood of the collection. The concept of childhood was shown through the sketches of silhouettes in chosen colors and materials. I continued with a visual presentation of an ideal target group. I finalized with an aesthetic photo editorial of the collection. The goal of my thesis was to create a collection that seems very childish and playful yet still completely fashionable, wearable and sustainable, made for adult women. The wearability of the clothes in the sense of functionality and comfort when wearing clothes to me is the most important element of designing a collection since I believe that the least sustainable clothes are the ones that stay in the closet and can not be worn by anyone.

Keywords:childhood, sustainable practices, Burda magazine, womenswear, sustainable collection

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