
Aplikacija obogatene resničnosti za učno pot ob Hublju
ID Kodelja, Nana (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljena tehnika obogatene resničnosti z izvedbo na primeru učne poti ob reki Hubelj. Izvedena je bila raziskava trga glede obstoječih aplikacij na področju obogatene resničnosti. Predstavljene so aplikacije s področja didaktike in izobraževanja in nekatere referenčne aplikacije z drugih področij, ki so primer dobre prakse. Pri pregledu stanja raziskav so bili raziskani tudi različni programi za izdelavo aplikacij ter predstavljeni določeni pojmi s področja obogatene resničnosti. Eksperimentalni del vsebuje podrobno opisane korake za izdelavo aplikacije. Tu so predstavljeni koraki izdelave od začetnih grafik do končne aplikacije. Eksperimentalni del vsebuje tudi preizkus aplikacije ter predstavitev programov in orodij, potrebnih za izdelavo grafik in aplikacije. Uporabljeni programi in orodja so bili program Unity ter oblikovalski program Adobe Illustrator. V rezultatih in razpravi je predstavljena aplikacija ter njeno delovanje. Aplikacija je bila preizkušena na učni poti in v različnih vremenskih razmerah. Testiranje je potekalo ob sončnem in deževnem vremenu. Rezultati so v diplomskem delu predstavljeni z zaslonskimi zajemi delovanja aplikacije v naravi ter na dejanskih tablah učne poti. V diskusiji je podana razlaga rezultatov, v zaključkih pa je delo ovrednoteno z vidika doprinosa dejanske uporabe obogatene resničnosti na učni poti ob Hublju.

Keywords:obogatena resničnost, aplikacija, botanika, rastline, Unity, izvir Hublja, učna pot
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119064 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Hubelj learning path augmented reality application
The diploma thesis is presenting an augmented reality technique that was realized for the Hubelj learning path. A market research was performed on the existing augmented reality applications; the presented applications were from didactics, education and some applications from other fields for reference as they are a fine example of the practical use. Upon the review of state of the research, various software options were reviewed for the purpose of developing the application and certain concepts from the augmented reality field were presented. The experimental part contains in depth steps that were used to develop the application. In the beginning, we have the early steps of the application development, from initial graphics, to the finalized application. The experimental part also includes the testing of the application as well as the presentation of all the software programs and other tools necessary to design the graphics for the application. The programs used were Unity and the designer program Adobe Illustrator. In the results and discussion section we have the presentation of the application and its functional usage. The application was tested on the learning path in various weather circumstances ranging from sunny weather to rain. The results were presented in the diploma thesis with screenshots of the application in use on the field and on the particular signs where we have placed our scannable images. The research of the results is presented in the discussion section as well as the actual benefit that the application brings to the practical use for the augmented reality on the Hubelj learning path.

Keywords:augmented reality, application, botany, plants, Unity, Hubelj river spring, learning path

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