
Svežina in starikavost mladih belih vin
ID Kotolenko, Gregor (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Po pregledu literature o svežini in pogostih napakah v mladih belih vinih smo ugotovili, da uporaba različnih tehnologij predelave grozdja in pridelave vina lahko značilno vpliva na kakovost vina. Predvsem zaradi nestabilnosti mladih vin, ki hitro pridejo na trg, smo pogosto priča prisotnosti različnih napak mladih belih vin. Največkrat napak ne moremo odstranjevati iz vina neposredno po nastanku, temveč se jim izogibamo preventivno. To dosegamo s primernimi tehnološkimi postopki ter z zaščito vina predvsem pred molekularnim kisikom in mikroorganizmi. Na ohranjanje svežine vina in pozitivnih senzoričnih lastnosti vpliva tudi dodatek različnih enoloških sredstev. Na razvoj napak značilno vpliva tudi čas dodatka teh enoloških sredstev. Kot najboljše sredstvo za preventivno preprečevanje napake neznačilnega starikavega tona in tudi oksidativnega rožnatega obarvanja se je pokazal dodatek askorbinske kisline, in sicer v predfermentativni fazi ter tudi pred polnitvijo vina. Problematični napaki, ki se lahko pojavita v mladih svežih vinih, sta tudi priokus po svetlobi in vonj po zamašku. Priokus po svetlobi preventivno preprečujemo predvsem z izbiro primernih steklenic oziroma barve ter tako vino zaščitimo pred UV-svetlobo. Tudi napako vonja po zamašku preprečujemo z izbiro zamaška oziroma pokrovčka. Uporaba primerne tehnologije in enoloških sredstev pri pridelavi mladih belih vin lahko omeji nastanek napak, bistveno izboljša kakovost in poudari svežino vina.

Keywords:vino, mlada bela vina, napake vina, neznačilen starikav ton, priokus po svetlobi, vonj po zamašku, senzorične lastnosti, kakovost vina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Kotolenko]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119047 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27010819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Freshness and atypical aging note of young white wines
After reviewing the literature on freshness and common defects in young white wines, we found that the use of different technologies of grape processing and wine production can significantly affect the quality of wine. Mainly due to the instability of young wines, which come to the market quickly, we often witness the presence of various defects of young white wines. In most cases, defects cannot be removed from the wine immediately after they are made, but are avoided preventively. This is achieved through appropriate technological procedures and the protection of wine, especially against molecular oxygen and microorganisms. The preservation of wine freshness and positive sensory properties is also influenced by the addition of various oenological agents. The development of faults is also significantly influenced by the time of addition of these oenological agents. The addition of ascorbic acid in the pre-fermentation phase and also before filling the wine proved to be the best measure of preventing the fault of atypical aging note, as well as oxidative pinking of wine. Problematic defects that can occur in young fresh wines are also the light-strike fault and the smell of cork. The light-strike fault is prevented by choosing suitable bottles or colors, thus protecting the wine from UV light. The error of corked wine can also be prevented by choosing right stopper or cap. The use of appropriate technology and oenological agents in the production of young white wines can limit the occurrence of defects, significantly improve the quality and emphasize the freshness of the wine.

Keywords:wine, young white wines, wine defects, atypical aging note, light-strike fault, smell of cork, sensory properties, wine quality

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