
Analiza skokov v času odbojkarske sezone med igralnimi pozicijami in povezanost s poškodbami : magistrsko delo
ID Florjančič, Ana (Author), ID Sattler, Tine (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hadžić, Vedran (Comentor)

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Odbojkarska sezona je za igralce in igralke dolga, namreč ko zaključijo s klubsko sezono, ima večina še reprezentančne akcije, zato so odbojkarji in odbojkarice čez vse leto obremenjeni in morajo skrbeti, da ostanejo zdravi in nepoškodovani. Vsi razen igralne pozicije libero so izpostavljeni različnim skokom pri izvajanju servisa, podaje, bloka in napadalnih akcij. Nekaj raziskav na to temo je že bilo, a vsaka z različno bazo podatkov in načini merjenja. Namen naše raziskave je bil analizirati skoke glede na igralne pozicije na treningih in tekmah ter ugotoviti povezanost števila skokov s poškodbami. V raziskavo smo vključili sedemnajst igralcev japonske ekipe JT Thunders: tri podajalce, dva korektorja, šest sprejemalcev in štiri blokerje. Vsi igralci so na vsakem treningu in tekmi nosili napravo MyVert, s katero smo preko povezave pridobili podatke o številu, pogostosti in intenzivnosti (maksimalni višini) skokov. Za določitev povezav med skoki in poškodbami smo uporabili OSTRC vprašalnik o težavah s poškodbami. Analiza skokov je pokazala, da na treningih in tekmah naredijo največ skokov na igralni poziciji podajalci, sledijo blokerji in nato napadalci sprejemalci ter korektorji. Največ skokov visoke intenzivnosti (skoki nad 70 % maksimalne višine skoka) na treningih naredijo blokerji in napadalci sprejemalci, na tekmah pa na igralni poziciji bloker. Najvišji delež skokov z visoko intenzivnostjo imajo na tekmah napadalci sprejemalci. Na tekmo naredijo povprečno več kot polovico (53 %) skokov z visoko intenzivnostjo, ostalo z nizko. Zaradi premajhnega vzorca poškodb teze o povezanosti števila skokov s poškodbami spodnjega uda nismo ne potrdili ne ovrgli. V prihodnosti pričakujemo še več raziskav na to temo in upamo, da bomo tudi v Sloveniji pričeli uporabljati take naprave, saj bi bili odbojkarskim trenerjem natančnejši podatki v veliko pomoč tako pri načrtovanju trenažnega procesa kot pri spremljanju obremenitev pri vsakem posameznem igralcu in igralni poziciji ter pri prevenciji poškodb.

Keywords:Odbojkarska sezona, igralna pozicija, skoki, obremenitve, poškodbe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119041 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28092931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:An analysis of vertical jumps during volleyball season on the basis of different volleyball positions and the connection to injuries
The volleyball season is long for the players. When the club season is finished, most of them still have obligations with the national team. As a result, male and female volleyball players are overwhelmed and must take care of themselves throughout the year to stay healthy and uninjured. Everyone, except the libero, is exposed to various jumps; when serving, setting, blocking and attacking. There has been some research on this topic before, but each with a different database and method of measurement. The purpose of our research was to analyze the jumps in terms of volleyball positions during training sessions and matches, and to determine the relationship between the number of jumps and injuries. Seventeen Japanese players from the JT Thunders team were included in the survey: three setters, two opposites, six receivers and four middle blockers. During each training session and match, each player wore a MyVert device, through which data on the number, frequency and intensity of jumps was obtained. We used the OSTRC Overuse Injury Questionnaire to determine the connection between the jumps and injuries. The analysis showed that during training sessions and matches, setters make the most jumps, followed by middle blockers, then receivers, and lastly, opposites. Middle blockers and receivers have the highest jump intensity and the maximum jump height during training sessions – more than 70%, while during matches that level of intensity is reached only by middle blockers. Receivers have the highest share of high-intensity jumps in competitions. On average, more than half (53%) of their jumps are carried out with high-intensity, the rest with low. They make an average of more than half (53%) of high-intensity jumps per match, the rest with low. Due to insufficient samples of injuries, the thesis on the association between the number of jumps and injuries of the lower limb was neither confirmed nor refuted in the study. In the future, we expect even more research on this topic and hope that we will start using such devices in Slovenia as well, so that volleyball coaches will have more accurate data for planning the training process and for monitoring the workload of each individual player, their playing position, and preventing injuries.

Keywords:Volleyball season, volleyball positions, jumps, overburden, injuries

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