
Baze podatkov pri pouku kemije v osnovni šoli
ID Mlinarec, Katarina (Author), ID Ferk Savec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6361/ This link opens in a new window

Baze podatkov imajo pomembno vlogo pri poučevanju in učenju kemije zaradi potrebe po opolnomočenju učencev z znanjem, potrebnim za iskanje želenih informacij ter kritično ovrednotenje in smiselno ciljno uporabo le-teh, kar je ključno v dobi, ki jo zaznamuje vse hitrejše naraščanje števila informacij na področju naravoslovja. Veliko kemijskih baz podatkov je prosto dostopnih na spletu, kar je pomembno za raziskovalce pa tudi učitelje na vseh ravneh izobraževanja, saj le-te omogočajo dostop do informacij neodvisno od prostora in časa ob uporabi za uporabnika enostavnih, a učinkovitih iskalnih strategij. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge je v povezavi s področjem uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) predstavljen Evropski okvir digitalnih kompetenc za učitelje DigCompEdu 2.1. Predstavljen je model TPACK, ki je lahko v pomoč pri načrtovanju, vrednotenju in evalvaciji uporabe tehnologije pri poučevanju in učenju. V nadaljevanju je pozornost namenjena uporabi IKT pri pouku kemije. Na kratko so predstavljeni načini vključevanja IKT v pouk kemije s poudarkom na bazah podatkov. Predstavljen je pomen uporabe kemijskih baz podatkov pri pouku kemije z vidika učnega načrta za kemijo v osnovni šoli. V empiričnem delu so bili izvedeni polstrukturirani intervjuji z učitelji z namenom ugotoviti, pri katerih vsebinskih sklopih učnega načrta za kemijo učitelji najpogosteje vključujejo delo z bazami podatkov, s kakšnimi izzivi in priložnostmi se pri tem srečujejo in kateri so po njihovem mnenju tisti dejavniki, ki vplivajo na kakovostno uporabo baz podatkov pri pouku kemije. Na osnovi pridobljenih rezultatov je bilo razvito in izvedeno Usposabljanje o uporabi baz podatkov pri pouku kemije za učitelje kemije v osnovni šoli v obliki množičnega odprtega spletnega tečaja (MOST-a). Po usposabljanju so bili izvedeni polstrukturirani intervjuji z učitelji kemije z namenom pridobiti povratne informacije in ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je usposabljanje pripomoglo k razširitvi in nadgraditvi njihovega znanja o bazah podatkov, možnostih njihove uporabe pri pouku kemije in preseganju težav, identificiranih v intervjujih pred usposabljanjem. Rezultati so pokazali, da je usposabljanje pri učiteljih spodbudilo razmislek o uporabi baz podatkov pri različnih vsebinskih sklopih učnega načrta za kemijo v osnovni šoli. Kljub temu da se pri uporabi baz podatkov učitelji srečujejo z različnimi izzivi, hkrati tudi najdejo rešitve, kako se z njimi soočiti. Tako pred kot po usposabljanju so učitelji prepoznali dodano vrednost, ki jo lahko ima ustrezna uporaba baz podatkov pri pouku kemije. Kot najpomembnejši dejavnik pri kakovostni uporabi baz podatkov so navedli znanje učitelja.

Keywords:informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118661 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26483459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Databases in teaching and learning chemistry in primary school
Databases have an important part in teaching and learning chemistry because of the need to empower students with knowledge needed to search and retrieve information, to develop critical thinking, which is crucial in the age of increasing amount of information in the field of science. Many chemical databases with an open access are invaluable for both researchers and chemical educators at all levels in terms of ease of use, the extent of information and overcoming time and place barriers. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) use we present the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators DigCompEdu 2.1. TPACK model is also presented as it can help to plan, assess and evaluate the use of technology in teaching and learning. In the following research there is a focus on the use of ICT in chemistry lessons, briefly presenting ways of incorporating ICT into chemistry lessons and the importance of the use of chemical databases in the teaching of chemistry from the perspective of the Curriculum for Chemistry in Primary School. Based on a qualitative research we carried out semi-structured interviews with the chemistry teachers in primary school. Our purpose was to find out in which curriculum content teachers are most likely to use chemical databases, what are the challenges and opportunities they face regarding database use in class and what are the factors that influence the quality of a database use in teaching and learning chemistry. Based on the results we developed a massive open online course (MOOC) on the use of databases in teaching and learning chemistry for teachers in primary school. After the course we once again carried out semi-structured interviews with chemistry teachers to find out the extent to which the course has helped to broaden and upgrade their knowledge of databases, to think about the potential of their use in teaching and learning chemistry, and to surpass the identified problems in interviews prior to the online course. The results of our research showed that online course encouraged teachers to think about the use of databases in different content sets of the curriculum for chemistry in primary school. Although there are some challenges teachers have to face with the use of databases, they can also recognize the solutions to these challenges and know how to tackle them. Teachers have also recognized the important added value in the use of chemistry databases in the beginning of the course as well as in the end. Teachers' knowledge was thus the most important factor in the guality use of databases.

Keywords:information and communications technology (ICT)

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