
O historično-epistemološki zasnovi moderne znanosti in klasičnem pozitivizmu v sociologiji : magistrsko delo
ID Žnidaršič, Nina (Author), ID Mencin Čeplak, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mali, Franc (Comentor)

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V zaključni nalogi začrtujemo premislek o epistemološki zasnovi moderne znanstvene zamisli in o klasičnem ali družbenem pozitivizmu v sociologiji in na splošno. Razprava je sestavljena iz dveh tematsko zaokroženih delov, ki se med seboj epistemološko, zgodovinsko, dejansko in idejno prepletata. V prvem sklopu skozi uverturni koncept zgodnjega pozitivizma, ki nastavlja pot k dejanskemu pozitivizmu, izpostavljamo osrednje učenjake, ki so vplivali na snovanje nove znanstvene misli, lahko bi rekli tudi gibanja. Obravnavo zgodnjega pozitivizma začnemo s Kopernikom, Galileijem, Descartesom in Keplerjem, saj so prav oni miselno predrugačili reprezentacijo univerzuma (kopernikanski obrat), pomen matematike (mathesis universalis) in človeški pogled na svet(no). Preobrazbo, ki je potekala na ravni znanstvene epistemologije, strnjeno imenujemo s starogrškim izrazom téchne, ki kaže na zakoličen, preddan postopek mišljenja, predvsem pa na napravljalski in proizvajalski značaj moderne znanosti (znanost kot umetnost). V drugem razdelku miselno nit konkretiziramo skozi dejansko, materialno snovanje neologizmov, ki so nastajali v času francoske revolucije in po njej: klasični pozitivizem, družbene znanosti in sociologijo. Klasični pozitivizem pojmujemo kot razcvetelo manifestacijo nove znanosti in hkrati kot idejno-dejanski temelj družboslovja. Martin Heidegger zapisuje, da pozitivizem ni zgolj eden od spoznavno-raziskovalnih načinov – kako, ampak teorija (theória – uvid) sodobne znanosti. Brskanje po arheološki dediščini socialne fizike, kasneje sociologije, razkriva, da imata pozitivizem in sociologija iste idejne očete, med katerimi velja posebej izpostaviti Saint-Simona in Comta. Šele Durkheim pa je sociologijo tudi institucionaliziral.

Keywords:epistemologija, moderna znanost, pozitivizem, družbene vede, arheologija sociologije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Žnidaršič]
Number of pages:123 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118646 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27827459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:On the Historical-Epistemological Base of Modern Science and Classical Positivism in Sociology
In this master’s thesis, we deal with the epistemological base of modern scientific thought, and with classical/social positivism in sociological and general terms. The text consists of two thematically completed and epistemologically, historically and conceptually interwoven parts. In the first part, we focus on the most important scholars who significantly influenced the creation of a new scientific thought through the concept of early positivism. We thus open the discussion with Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes and Kepler, since it is their work that shifted the paradigm regarding the representation of the universe (Copernican Revolution), the meaning of mathematics (mathesis universalis) and the human worldview. For the transformation of scientific epistemology, we use the Old Greek term téchne, denoting the set, pre-given thought process and, primarily, the science-as-art character of modern science. In the second part, we further our discussion by focusing on the concrete-material creation of neologisms from and after the period of the French Revolution: classical positivism, social sciences and sociology. We see classical positivism as a manifestation of a new science as well as the conceptual basis of social sciences. Heidegger writes that positivism is not merely one of the cognitive-research modes-how, but a theory (theória-insight) of modern science. An investigation into the archeological heritage of the social physics, later sociology, shows that positivism and sociology share the same founding fathers with an emphasis on Saint-Simon and Comte, although sociology was only institutionalised by Durkheim.

Keywords:epistemology, modern science, positivism, social sciences, archeology of sociology

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