
Predlog uporabniškega vmesnika za kataster GJI v okolju QGIS : diplomska naloga
ID Gerčer, Matija (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dolenc, Matevž (Comentor)

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Zbirni kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture (ZK GJI) predstavlja temeljno evidenco o gospodarski javni infrastrukturi (GJI) v Sloveniji, v kateri se evidentirajo podatki o omrežjih in objektih GJI. Za javna podjetja, ki upravljajo omrežja in objekte gospodarske javne infrastrukture, obstaja zakonska obveznost, da ob vsaki novogradnji ali spremembi teh objektov podatke o tem posredujejo v ZK GJI. Problem, ki se pojavi predvsem manjšim upravljavcem GJI, je ta, da programska oprema, ki jo pri svojem delu potrebujejo, da zadostijo zahtevam, predpisanih s strani države, predstavlja visok finančni zalogaj. V sodobnem času odprtokodnih programskih rešitev se v Sloveniji kot tudi v tujini vse pogosteje pojavlja želja upravljavcev gospodarske javne infrastrukture po uporabi prosto dostopnih programskih orodij v okviru geografskih informacijskih sistemov (GIS) za zajem, obdelavo in analizo prostorskih podatkov, med katere sodijo tudi podatki o GJI. Da bi prispevali k uporabi takšnih rešitev med upravljavci GJI, smo v raziskovalnem delu razvili uporabniški vmesnik in s tem vzpostavili okolje za evidentiranje gospodarske javne infrastrukture na podlagi odprtokodnih programskih rešitev, kot sta QGIS in PostgreSQL. Dodatno smo predstavili in v rešitev vključi možnost uporabe prosto dostopnih podatkov. Da lahko programsko rešitev smatramo kot »odprto«, mora za to ustrezati določenim kriterijem, ki smo jih v raziskovalnem delu tudi predstavili in upoštevali. Rešitev smo testirali na pravih podatkih in ugotovili, da bi rešitev brez večjih težav že lahko uporabljali tudi upravljavci GJI. Na ta način smo dokazali, da je mogoče z odprtokodnimi programskimi rešitvami, kot sta QGIS in PostGIS, razviti razširitve v podporo evidentiranju podatkov gospodarske javne infrastrukture v javne katastre.

Keywords:QGIS, razširitev, odprtokodna rešitev, uporabniški vmesnik, kataster GJI
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Gerčer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118123 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:46558979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:User interface proposal for the public utility cadastre in QGIS enviroment : graduation thesis
The Public Utility Cadastre (slov. Zbirni Kataster gospodarske javne infrastructure – ZK GJI) is the central database in Slovenia that contains records on networks and constructed objects of the public utility infrastructure. Mainly public companies that manage networks and objects of public utility infrastructure must fulfil the legal obligation of submitting data about any new construction or change within the existing public utility infrastructure to the ZK GJI. In particular, smaller managers of public utility infrastructure are facing with the challenges of software support that is needed for their work, where they have to meet the state requirements, as software solutions might be a substantial financial burden. Nowadays, in the age of open-source software solutions, the managers of public utility infrastructure from Slovenia as well as from other countries worldwide, are increasingly seeking for open source software solutions within geographic information systems (GIS). The appropriate software solutions are needed for geospatial data; this is also data on public infrastructure, acquisition, processing and analyses. In this thesis, we present the development of the user interface that establishes an environment for the recording of data on public utility infrastructure. The solution is based on open-source software solutions, such as QGIS and PostgreSQL, that also integrates a possibility to include open geospatial data. To be considered as open-source software, a solution has to meet certain criteria, presented and considered in this research work. This is, in particular, to encourage managers of public utility infrastructure to use such open-source solutions. The solution has been tested on real data. Our conclusion has been that the solution can be used in practice. With this, we have proved that it is possible to develop extension within available open-source software, such as QGIS and PostGIS, which can be used for the recording of data of public utility infrastructure in public cadastres.

Keywords:QGIS, extension, open-source, solution, user interface, cadastre, public utility

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