
Obravnava problemske tematike smrti v predšolskem obdobju - Felix Salten: Bambi
ID Červan, Nežka (Author), ID Blažić, Milena Mileva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6341/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala problemsko tematiko smrti v predšolskem obdobju prek knjige Felixa Saltna Bambi (1923), ki je služila kot osnova, obravnavana sta bila tudi Disneyjev animirani film Bambi (1942) in slikanica Walt Disney's Bambi (1998). Za to problemsko tematiko sem se odločila, ker menim, da se o njej premalo govori, še posebej s predšolskimi otroki. Primerjala sem tri izbrana dela, zaradi česar sem najprej raziskala mladinsko književnost in njene zvrsti, problemsko književnost ter risanko oziroma animirani film. Zelo pomembno se mi je zdelo raziskati tudi motiv smrti v književnosti, da vidim, v kakšnih oblikah se pojavlja, ter dojemanje smrti za lažjo predstavo o tem, kako otrokom predstaviti temo smrti, da jo bodo lažje razumeli. Vsa tri izbrana dela sem obravnavala s pomočjo tabel. Primerjava je potekala predvsem s pomočjo citatov in slik iz knjige, slikanice in animiranega filma, za lažje razumevanje pa so dodani lastni komentarji. Na koncu sem naredila skupno analizo vseh pridobljenih podatkov, ki je predstavljena prek odgovorov na raziskovalna vprašanja.

Keywords:problemska književnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118080 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25373955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Discussion of the problematic topic of death in the preschool period – Felix Salten: Bambi
In my thesis I dealt with the issue of death in preschool, through the books by Felix Salt Bambi (1923), which served as a basis, and also studied Disney animated film Bambi (1942), and the cartoon Walt Disney's Bambi (1998). I decided on a problematic topic of death because I think that we don’t talk about it enough not only in our everyday lives but especially with preschool children. I compared the three selected pieces, for which I first researched youth literature and its genres, problem literature and cartoon or animated film. I also found it very important to investigate the motive of death in literature, to see in what forms it occurs, and comprehension of death, to make it easier to imagine, how to present death to children, so that they can better understand it. The three selected works are compared to each other through tables. Comparisons were made using quotes and pictures from the book, picture book and the animated film, and I have also added my own comments for better understanding. The last part is an analysis of all the provided information, presented through answers on research questions.

Keywords:problem literature

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