
Vojna fotografija kot ikona
ID Lešnik, Zoja (Author), ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V začetnih vrsticah svoje naloge bom predstavila Platonovo teorijo ikone. Po tej teoriji je potrebno ločiti idejo samo od njenih podob, torej ločiti izvirnik od posnetka, model od simulakra. Posnetek – ikona je podoba, dobro utemeljen pretendent, za katerega jamči podobnost. Ta podobnost pa ni zunanja, torej ne gre za podobnost med eno in drugo stvarjo, pač pa za notranjo, duhovno podobnost med stvarjo in idejo. Ikona oz. posnetek je torej odraz nekega trenutka. Nikoli ni izvirnik, je pa posnetek nekega resničnega dogodka. V osrednjem delu naloge bom prikazala vsem poznane ikonične vojne fotografije. Preko dokazov, ki jim bom sledila, bom pokazala, da se nekatere od teh ne skladajo s Platonovo teorijo, saj niso posnetek resničnega dogodka. Te fotografije so bile zaigrane, uprizorjene za kamero, rekonstruirane. Kljub temu pa so te podobe postale ikone vojne fotografije, ker nas opozarjajo in opominjajo na grozote vojne, hkrati pa nam dvigujejo moralo z zgodbami o herojstvu in domoljubju.

Keywords:ikona, vojna, ikonične vojne fotografije, mediji, fotoreportaža
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117798 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:War photography as an icon
In the opening lines of my master's thesis, I will present Plato's theory of the icon. According to this theory, it is necessary to separate the thing itself from its images, that is, to separate the original from the image, the model from the simulacrum. An icon is an image, a well-founded pretender, for which it guarantees similarity. This similarity is not external, so it is not a similarity between one thing and another, but an internal, spiritual similarity between the thing and the Idea. Icon, therefore, is a reflection of a moment. It is never an original, but it is an image of a real event. In the center of the thesis I will present some of the most famous iconic war photographs. Through the evidence, I will show that some of these do not conform to Plato's theory as they are not images of a true event. These photos were staged for the camera or reconstructed. Nevertheless, these photos have become icons of war photography because they remind us of the horrors of war, while raising our morale with stories of heroism and patriotism.

Keywords:icon, war, iconic war photos, media, fotojournalism

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