
Odstiranje nevidnega: reprezentacije istospolnosti v slovenskih glasbenih videospotih : reprezentacije istospolnosti v slovenskih glasbenih videospotih
ID Konvalinka, Nina (Author), ID Stanković, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Istospolnost je vidna značilnost v popularni kulturi enaindvajsetega stoletja. Če je popularna kultura ustvarjena v okvirih dominantnega reda in se postavlja nad posamičnimi individualnimi identitetami, potem tudi glasbeni videospoti z istospolno tematiko niso izjema. Predstavljajo pomemben kulturni dokument, kjer se prepletata družbeni in politični kontekst. Postavlja se vprašanje, do kolikšne mere slovenski glasbeni videospoti poudarjajo heteronormativnost in dopuščajo prostor alternativam. Glavni cilj naloge je vizualna analiza reprezentacij istospolnosti v slovenskih glasbenih videospotih. V vzorec analize smo umestili enajst slovenskih glasbenih videospotov, ki so se dotikali istospolnosti med leti 1985 in 2019. Ti izvajalci videospotov so: Borghesia, Magnifico, Tabu, Carpe Diem band, Natalija Verboten, Omar Naber, Smrt boga in otrok, Vauks in Sara, Ževža, Manca Berlec ter David Amaro in Minless. Analiza pokaže, da se je obravnava istospolnosti povečala v zadnjih letih, kar je spodbudno dejstvo. Reprezentacije so osvobojene obrabljenih stereotipov o gejih in lezbijkah. Po drugi strani so prisotne razpoke v načinih oblikovanja prezentacij, ki ostajajo brez kritične refleksije prepletene s heteroseksualnim nabojem in prispevajo k reprodukciji homonormativnosti. Emancipatorni potencial pri odmikanju od heteronormativnosti se kaže pri mlajši generaciji ustvarjalcev, ko z drugačnimi, samosvojimi življenjskimi orientacijami vzpostavljajo novi jezik, prilagojen manjšinam. Mlajša generacija se videospotov loteva z resnostjo, senzibilnostjo, ali pa družbi nastavijo ogledalo. Skupna značilnost glasbenih videospotov je, da so zadržani pri izražanju ljubezni do istega spola.

Keywords:istospolnost, reprezentacije, slovenski glasbeni videospot, heteronormativnost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Konvalinka]
Number of pages:80 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117725 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26505219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Uncovering the invisible: Representations of homosexuality in Slovenian music videos
Within popular culture, homosexuality represents a visible feature of the twenty-first century. If popular culture is created within the framework of the dominant order and is placed above individual identities, then music videos with same-sex themes are no exception. They represent an important cultural document where social and political contexts intertwine. The question arises as to what extent Slovenian music videos emphasize heteronormativity and whether they allow space for alternatives. The main goal of the thesis is to analyze visual representations of homosexuality in Slovenian music videos. The sample of the analysis includes eleven Slovenian music videos between 1985 and 2019, which in any way include a subject matter of homosexuality. The performers of the videos are: Borghesia, Magnifico, Tabu, Carpe Diem band, Natalija Verboten, Omar Naber, Death of God and Children, Vauks and Sara, Ževža, Manca Berlec, David Amaro and Minless. The analysis shows that the same-sex representation has increased in recent years, which is an encouraging fact. Representations are free of worn-out stereotypes about gays and lesbians. On the other hand there are cracks in the ways of forming presentations, which without critical reflection remain intertwined with heterosexual charge and contribute to the emergence of homonormativity. The emancipatory potential of moving further away from heteronormativity is manifested in the younger generation of creators, through establishing new language adapted to minorities with different, unique life orientations. They approach music videos with seriousness, sensibility, or set a mirror to society. A common feature of music videos is that they are timid in expressing love for the same sex.

Keywords:homosexuality, representations, Slovenian music video, heteronormativity.

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