Council Regulation (EC) No 2201 /2003 has been used in the European legal area, part of which is also the Republic of Slovenia, for 15 years, which is a long enough period that its application can be traced in representative cases in Slovenian case law. The analysis of case law over the years shows that the number of disputes with an international element that require the application of the Regulation is increasing in the Slovenian legal area. This can be attributed to the more frequent migration of persons within the European Union and the consequent formation of international marriages and families. The Regulation has contributed to a clearer definition and uniform application of the rules on the jurisdiction of courts in disputes with an international element, and thus to faster proceedings before the courts of the Member States. Moreover, with the provisions on recognition and enforcement, the Regulation has followed developments towards the abolition of the recognition and enforcement process, which aims to facilitate and accelerate the free movement of judgements in civil matters within the EU.
After reviewing Slovenian case law, it can be concluded that Slovenian courts and its judges at all instances consistently apply the Regulation in accordance with its purposes and objectives when needed. As concluded the judges are well familiar with the European legal order as well as with the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European union. All this shows a good knowledge of EU law by our courts, which strictly comply with the Regulation in disputes with an international element.