
Primerjava različnih stanj pluripotentnosti v celičnih kulturah matičnih celic
ID Smrkolj, Karolina (Author), ID Ogorevc, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pluripotentne matične celice so vir vseh celic, ki sestavljajo organizem. Med celicami v pluripotentnem stanju pa obstajajo razlike. Zaenkrat je v literaturi opisanih več stanj pluripotenosti, kot so: dvoceličnemu zarodku podobne celice, matične celice z razširjenim potencialom, »extended« pluripotentne matične celice, naivne pluripotentne matične celice in »primed« pluripotentne matične celice; vsako stanje ima svoje specifične lastnosti. Glavne razlike so v izvoru, epigenetskih lastnostih, izraženih označevalcih in potencialu za tvorbo himer. S preverjanjem sposobnosti tvorbe himer dobimo vpogled v njihov dejanski potencial za diferenciacijo. Nekatera novo opisana stanja embrionalnih matičnih celic kažejo določene značilnosti totipotentnih matičnih celic. Razlike se pojavljajo tudi v pogojih pridobivanja in vzdrževanja različnih stanj pluripotentnih matičnih celic. S pogoji v kulturi lahko vplivamo na njihovo stanje in funkcionalne lastnosti. Preko odkrivanja različnih lastnosti spoznavamo pomen posameznih stanj ter delovanje in vlogo v razvoju zarodka. Zanimiva je tudi primerjava različnih tipov pluripotentnih matičnih celic z in vivo stanjem zarodka v različnih stopnjah razvoja. Razlike obstajajo tudi med matičnimi celicami različnih vrst organizmov. Kljub številnim raziskavam je še veliko neznanega, določenih stanj pluripotentosti pa trenutno še ne znamo ohranjati v in vitro pogojih.

Keywords:matične celice, pluripotentne matične celice, himerni test, DNA metilacija, kromosom X, gojišče
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[K. Smrkolj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117557 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:23618563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of different pluripotent states in cell cultures of stem cells
Pluripotent stem cells are the origin of all cells that form an adult organism. Different states of pluripotency with specific characteristics such as two-cell-like cells, expanded potential stem cells, extended pluripotent stem cells, naïve pluripotent stem cells, and primed pluripotent stem cells have been described. The main differences are the origin, epigenetic characteristics, expressed markers, and the potential for chimera formation . By analysing the ability of the chimera formation, we get an insight into their actual differentiation potential. Some of the newly described types of embryonic stem cells show certain characteristics of totipotent stem cells. The differences occur also in the conditions of establishement and maintaining the different types of pluripotent stem cells. Type and functional characteristics of pluripotent stem cells are culture conditions dependant. By recognising different characteristics of embryonic stem cells will aid in discovering the role and functions of different stem cell types duringearly embryonic development. Comparison of different types of stem cells from the developing embryo with in vitro cultures of embryonic stem cells is also intriguing. Significant differences are also observed between stem cells of different organism. Despite intensive research many questions remain unanswered and we are unable to grow some of the types of pluripotent cell in in vitro conditions.

Keywords:stem cells, pluripotent stem cells, chimera assay, DNA methylation, X chromosome, medium

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