The purpose of diploma is to present new technologies on container terminals.
In the first part of diploma is a general describtion of container transport. Presented are the key characteristics, history and reasons for the development of container transport and its economic.
In the second part the container ships and container terminals and the importance of container transport is presented. The third part is about terminal operations. The operations are divided in three parts: the incoming transport into the terminal, the internal transport via the terminal, and the output transport from the terminal. In this part it is also described the operating system of container terminals and the presentation of two biggest terminals in the world by TEU, which are located in Europe and Asia.
In the fourth part of the diploma the infrastructure and suprastructure of container terminals are presented. It is also presented the manipulations on the terminal and other equipment which is necessary for the smooth operations on terminals. The penultimate part of diploma includes a presentation of new technologies on container terminals, which are used on modern terminals. The presentation includes also modern technologies that are supposed to serve the container terminals of the future. It is also describing the challenges of implementing Internet of Things in terminals. In the last part of the diploma the terminal of the future is presented. This is the Tuas Singapore terminal, which is expected to be built by 2040 and would be the largest automated terminal in the world.