
Obnašanje koz srnaste pasme v obdobju odstavitve
ID Cankar, Laura (Author), ID Zupan Šemrov, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koze in kozliči mlečnih pasem so v današnjih tehnologijah reje podvrženi številnim stresnim dejavnikom, še posebej stresen dogodek tako za koze, kot tudi za kozliče predstavlja obdobje odstavitve. Obdobje zajemajo situacije, kot so prisilna ločitev kozliča od matere, prehod iz napajanja z materinim mlekom na mlečni nadomestek, prehod na konzumacijo voluminozne in močne krme, sprememba okolja in oblikovanje novih skupin. Na opisane situacije se živali odzovejo s psihičnimi in fizičnimi odzivi. Psihični odzivi se nanašajo na zmanjšano sposobnost konzumacije krme in posledično na manjše dnevne priraste ter izgubo telesne mase pri kozličih, zmanjšanje odpornosti in prirejo mleka, kar pa lahko privede do bolezenskih stanj. Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti in opisati posamezne oblike naravnega obnašanja koz in kozličev srnaste pasme ter spremembe v obnašanju, ki se pojavijo v stresnih situacijah, kot je odstavitev od mame. Na primerih iz raziskovalnih študij so opisani dejavniki, ki pomagajo pri zmanjševanju stresa ob odstavitvi. Opisani so različni sistemi vzreje kozličev pred odstavitvijo ter različne tehnologije odstavljanja, predvsem iz vidika ekonomičnosti reje in dobrobiti živali. V diplomski nalogi so opredeljeni ključni izzivi in problemi pri zgodnjem odstavljanju kozličev srnaste pasme, ki se kažejo v dnevnih prirastih kozličev in dobrem počutju živali.

Keywords:drobnica, koze, pasme, srnasta pasma, etologija, obnašanje živali, odstavitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117533 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22582787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The behaviour of Alpine goats at weaning
In today's breeding technologies, dairy goats and kids are subjected to many stressful situations. Particular stressful situation is the weaning period. This period covers situations such as a forced separation of kids from their mothers, the transition from suckling to milk replacer, the transition to voluminous food consumption, such as hay and grass, changing the environment and forming new groups. The described situations force animals to respond with mental and physical responses. Mental responses are related to the reduced ability to consume feed, and consequently, lower daily weight gain and weight loss in kids, reduced resistance and milk production in goats, whicth can lead to diseases. The purpose of this BSc thesis is to present and describe the natural behaviour of Alpine goats and kids, and the changes in behaviour that occur in stressful situations, such as weaning. Examples from research studies are described ehich present factors that help reduce weaning stress. In the thesis, different systems of rearing kids before weaning and different weaning technologies are described, mainly from the economical and animal welfare point of view. The thesis defines, the key challenges and problems in early weaning of Alpine goat kids, which are reflected in kid's daily growth and animal welfare.

Keywords:small ruminants, goats, breeds, Alpine goats, ethology, animal behaviour, weaning

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