Volunteer firefighting is an important form of bringing people together in Slovenia. Purpose of volunteer firefighter services is to support community, but at the same time they offer social function to their members. Volunteer firefighter services are located throughout Slovenian territory, which also means they are located in different types of settlement. In my master’s thesis, I focused on the area of Gorenjska. The goals of my master’s thesis are to determine whether type of settlement affects gender ratio in volunteer firefighter services and whether reasons for joining a volunteer firefighter service and for further activity in volunteer firefighter service differ between men and women and between urban and non-urban settlements. In the empirical part, I collected various statistical data and conducted a survey among adult volunteer firefighters in Gorenjska region. The analysis of statistical data showed that type of settlement does not affect gender ratio in volunteer firefighter services but can affect involvement of inhabitants of a certain area in volunteer firefighter services. The analysis of the survey showed that firefighters do not differ by gender nor type of settlement and that the most common reasons for joining volunteer firefighter service and for further activity in volunteer firefighter service are socializing and operational activities.