
Fenomen prizoriščnosti in dogodkovnosti: vpliv začasne in občasne rabe prostora glasbenega festivala na lokalno kulturo: primer festivala Metaldays v Tolminu : vpliv začasne in občasne rabe prostora glasbenega festivala na lokalno kulturo
ID Rus, Lea (Author), ID Hočevar, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je na študiji primera festivala Metaldays v Tolminu narejena raziskava z osrednjim vprašanjem, kako lahko glasbeni festival vpliva na lokalno kulturo. V prvem, teoretičnem delu naloge je narejena študija literature, kjer so izpostavljeni in širše opredeljeni ključni pojmi: ''prizorišče'', ''dogodek'', ''festival'', ''festivalizacija'' in ''festivalski turizem''. Nato sledi poglavje o najpogostejših vplivih festivalov na lokalno kulturo, opis prizorišča festivala Metaldays, pregled novinarskih del, objavljenih med letoma 2004 in 2019, o festivalu in povzetek treh do sedaj že opravljenih akademskih raziskav o festivalskem dogajanju v Tolminu. Iz pregleda novinarskih del in povzetkov je moč razbrati podatke, ki prispevajo k razumevanju odnosov med festivalom in lokalnim prebivalstvom in prispevajo h globljemu razumevanju teme tega magistrskega dela. V drugem, empiričnem delu naloge so opisane uporabljene kvalitativne metode raziskovanja (intervju in opazovanje z udeležbo) in interpretacija rezultatov opravljene raziskave. V zaključnem delu naloge sledi sklep, kjer ugotavljam, da je festival Metaldays množično podprt s strani lokalnih prebivalcev, da so najbolj izpostavljeni vplivi, ki jih ima festival na lokalno kulturo, skladni s splošno najpogostejšimi (gospodarskimi, družbenimi in okoljskimi), da festival lokalnemu prebivalstvu predstavlja novo kulturno pridobitev, ki mesto oživi, in je poskrbel za prepoznavnost mesta, ne moremo pa potrditi, da je festival postal tudi del mestne identitete. Zaradi občutka nemoči nad organizacijo festivala in nemožnosti vplivanja na spremembe, ki bi zmanjšale njegove negativne vplive znotraj lokalne skupnosti, se ustvarja občutek marginalnosti, ki negativno vpliva na sprejemanje festivala.

Keywords:prizorišča, dogodki, vpliv festivala, lokalna kultura, Tolmin.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Rus]
Number of pages:102 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117431 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25322755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2020
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Title:Diversity of Venues and Happenings: Influence of Temporary and Occasional Use of Music Festival Venue on Local Culture: Case Study of Metaldays Festival in Tolmin
This master's thesis presents a research involving the case study of the Metaldays festival in Tolmin, mainly emphasising the influence that music festivals can have on the local culture. The first part, which is the theoretical part, presents a literature review, stressing and explaining in detail the following key terms: ''venue'', ''event'', ''festival'', ''festivalisation'' and ''festival tourism''. The next chapter describes the most frequent influences of festivals on the local culture and the venue of the Metaldays festival, reviews press releases about the festival published between 2004 and 2019 and summarises three already conducted studies on the festival events in Tolmin. The press releases and summaries review offers data that make it easier to understand the relation between the festival and the local population, which also contributes to a deeper understanding of the topic of this master's thesis. The second part of the paper, the empirical part, describes the quantitative methods used (interview and observation with participation) and presents the interpretation of results of the conducted research. In the conclusion of the paper, I determined that the Metaldays festival receives great support from the local population, that the most frequent influences on the local culture are of economic, social and environmental nature and that the local population sees the festival as a cultural novelty that brings new energy to the town and has increased its visibility. However, it can not be confirmed if the festival has in fact become part of the town's identity. I also determined that, due to the incapacity of participating in the organisation of the festival and having an impact on the changes, which would reduce its negative influence within the local population, a feeling of marginalisation has emerged that results in negative attitude towards the festival.

Keywords:venues, events, influence of the festival, local culture, Tolmin.

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