
Avtomatizirano trgovanje kuponov za emisije ogljikovega dioksida
ID KERČ, MIHA (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem diplomskem delu predstavljamo trg emisijskih kuponov znotraj Evropske unije (EU ETS), njegovo delovanje, namen in vpliv na ceno elektrike. Zaradi vedno večje okoljske ozaveščenosti in potrebe po zeleni energiji ter zelenih tehnologijah postaja ta trg vedno bolj pomemben, čemur se morajo prisotni na energetskem trgu prilagoditi in ga znati analizirati. Fundamentalne spremembe na tem trgu so redke, zato se pogosteje uporablja tehnična analiza. Ker je na energetskih trgih prisotne vedno več avtomatizacije, je pomembno, da se podjetja razvijajo v tej smeri, zato smo osrednji del naloge posvetili postopku razvoja avtomatizirane analize in sistema trgovanja na tem trgu. Opisali smo najpogosteje uporabljene kazalnike dobre prakse pri določanju ustreznosti analize in rezultate simulacij za strategijo, ki smo jo razvili v okviru naloge. Ugotovili smo, da strategija ustreza našim zahtevam in je zato primerna za nadaljnje testiranje in uporabo na trgu.

Keywords:trg emisijskih kuponov (EU ETS), algoritmično trgovanje, tehnična analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117368 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Automated trading in carbon allowances market
This thesis describes the EU Emissions Trading System, it's inner workings, purpose and the affect it has on the price of electricity. The emissions market has become an important part of EU's green initiative, driven by environmental concerns, the need for green energy and green technologies. This is why the participants of the energy market need to adapt, understand and learn how to analyse this market. Because the fundamental changes are rare, it is mostly analysed with technical analysis. Many processes are getting automated in the energy market and it is important for companies to follow this trend and not get left behind. This is why the main focus of this thesis is the process of developing automated analysis and algorithmic trading systems for the carbon market. The thesis elaborates on commonly used indicators, good practices for determining the suitability of analyses and presents the results of simulations for the trading strategy, which was developed as a part of the thesis. The strategy performed well in the simulations, which makes it viable for further testing and use on the market.

Keywords:Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), algorithmic trading, technical analysis

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