
Suzbijanje koruptivnog ponašanja u javnoj upravi
ID MARGETIĆ, BRANKA (Author), ID Drakulić, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nema vremena ni društva u kome ne postoji neki oblik korupcije. Ona je složen društveni fenomen sa velikim negativnim uticajem na državu, privredu, javni sektor i pojedince. U javnoj upravi ona je široko rasprostranjena. Sprečavanje korupcije je veoma teško, jer je potrebno angaživati sve segmente društva. Da bi bila efikasna borba protiv korupcije zahteva reformisanje svih delova jednog društva od pravnog sistema, javne uprave, lokalne samouprve, pravosuđa do stavova i pristupa pojedinaca. U Republici Srbiji, kao i u zemljama u okruženju, korupcija se pojavljuje kao “bolest”, a ujedno i jedna od ključnih prepreka pristupanja Evropskoj uniji. Cilj master rada je da se istraživanjem definiše korupcija, sagledaju njeni oblici i karakteristike, istraže specifičnosti i definišu razlozi koji do nje dovode, kao i smernice za delovanje pravosuđa, kako bi se kreirao povoljan ambijent za suzbijanje koruptivnog ponašanja. Poseban cilj master rada je proučavanje oblika borbe, naročito stanja pravnog i pravosudnog sistema, kao i pravaca reformi u oblastima u kojima je korupcija najviše prisutna. Za tu svrhu, pored ostalih, primenjen je metod anketiranja u ispitivanju iskustva i stavova ispitanika, kao i metod studije slučaja za prikaz stanja u distriktu Brčko i merama koje se preduzimaju protiv koruptivnog ponašanja u ovom entitetu.

Keywords:korupcija, javna uprava, antikoruptivne mere
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Margetić]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117330 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28948995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The suppression of corrupt behavior in public administration
There is no time or society in which there is no form of corruption. It is a complex social phenomenon with a great negative impact on the state, the economy, the public sector and individuals. In the public administration, it is widespread. Preventing corruption is very difficult, because it is necessary to engage all segments of society. In order to be an effective fight against corruption requires the reform of all parts of a society from the legal system, public administration, local self-government, judiciary to attitudes and access to individuals. In the Republic of Serbia, as well as in the surrounding countries, corruption appears as a "disease" and at the same time one of the key obstacles to joining the European Union. The goal of the master's work is to define corruption through corruption, to analyze its forms and characteristics, investigate specificities and define the reasons for it, as well as the guidelines for the functioning of the judiciary, in order to create a favorable environment for combating corruptive behavior. The special goal of the master's work is to study the forms of struggle, in particular the state of the legal and judicial system, as well as the directions of reforms in the areas where corruption is most present. For this purpose, among other things, the method of interviewing was used in examining the experience and attitudes of the respondents, as well as the method of a case study to show the situation in the Brčko District and the measures taken against corruption in this entity.

Keywords:corruption, public administration, anti-corruption measures

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