
Izdelava mikrokapsul za uporabo v samoobnovljivih premazih za les in kovino
ID Jemec, Blaž (Author), ID Petrič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Osojnik Črnivec, Ilja Gasan (Comentor), ID Poklar Ulrih, Nataša (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obravnava izdelavo mikrokapsul za uporabo v samoobnovljivih premazih. Samoobnovljivi premazi sodijo v skupino pametnih materialov, saj brez človekovega posega obnovijo nastalo poškodbo na površini. Na ta način bolje vzdržujejo nosilni material oziroma preprečujejo njegovo propadanje. Posledično se z njihovo uporabo precej znižajo stroški vzdrževanja. V uvodu so predstavljeni možni mehanizmi za samoobnavljanje premazov, na katerih je temeljila izbira za izdelavo mikrokapsul. Cilj naloge je bil izdelati kapsule, ki bi jih bilo možno uporabiti kot dodatek k že obstoječim premazom. Kapsule za samoobnavljanje se v premaz vmešajo tik pred nanosom premaza na površino. V nalogi sta obravnavana dva tipa mikrokapsul. Prvi tip so kapsule, ki vsebujejo sredico, ki je po sestavi enaka premazu, v katerega so dodane. Drugi tip kapsul so mikrokapsule, ki vsebujejo sušeče olje. Mikrokapsule s sredico iz sušečega olja smo oplaščili z želatinastim ovojem. Kapsule smo izdelali po postopku z uporabo Ultraturaksa in magnetnega mešala. Izdelane kapsule so bile v večini v razponu velikosti med 0,75 in 2 μm. Mikrokapsule s sredico iz premaza smo izdelali s kapsulatorjem BÜCHI po različnih postopkih, vendar se alginat, hitozan in tudi želatina niso najbolje izkazali kot snov za oplaščenje. Izdelane mikrokapsule smo analizirali z mikroskopijo ter določili izkoristke za posamezen postopek izdelave.

Keywords:samoobnovljiv premaz, les, mikrokapsule, Ultraturaks
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Jemec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117232 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20925955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2020
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The master’s thesis deals with the production of microcapsules for the use in self-healing coatings. Self-healing coatings belong to a group of intelligent materials because they restore surface damage without human intervention. In this way, self-healing coatings maintain the substrate material and prevent its degradation more efficiently. This significantly reduces maintenance costs. In the introduction, possible self-healing mechanisms are presented, serving as the basis for our selection of the preparation of microcapsules. The aim of this research was to prepare capsules that can be used as an additive to the existing coating products. The capsules for self-healing of coatings are mixed into the coating just before the surface coating is applied on the substrate. Two types of microcapsules are studied in this thesis. The first type is the capsules that contain the core with the same composition as the coating in which they are added. The second type of capsules is microcapsules containing drying oil. The microcapsules with drying oil core were coated with a gelatinised wrapping (shell). The capsules were produced by the process with Ultraturax and with a magnetic agitator. They were mostly prepared in the size range between 0.75 μm and 2 μm. The microcapsules with the coating core were produced by various processes with a BÜCHI encapsulator, but alginate, hitozan and also gelatin have not been proven to be suitable as a coating (wrapping, shell) material. The microcapsules produced were analysed microscopically and the process yields of the preparation methods were determined.

Keywords:self-healing, coatings, wood, microcapsules, Ultraturax

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