The purpose of this master's thesis is to present programs implemented by the poSKOKec Sports Group, for kids aged 2 to 12 years old.
The master's thesis is of monographic type. In the first part the description of the child development in different age groups is made from the theoretical point of view. While including a comparison of physical activity guidelines from other European countries, it explains the importance of movement for pre-school children, describing the structures of the exercise program and lastly explaining the teaching forms being used for the individual programs.
The second part of the master's thesis presents all of the poSKOKec's programs. While the programs are described in detail, the contents are defined by month and the goals of each program are given at the same time. An extraction of the offered poSKOKec Sport Group programs are: basic movements for babies with parents, preschool kids, primary school kids, the poSKOKec run, roller skating, swimming, tennis, birthday planning and moreover one annual public event: the poSKOKec's birthday.
Besides, it also describes the diverse activities of the association starting from it’s organization, training and tasks of trainers, team-building, history of the association, ways of cooperation with parents and advertising of the association's activities.
“An easy leap to healthy fun” is the slogan of the poSKOKec sports group already following the organization throughout the past years. With poSKOKec activities, children can gain a wide range of movement skills in a fun, and above all, healthy way.