
Vloga vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok in učiteljev 1. razreda OŠ pri usvajanju govorno-jezikovnih spretnosti otrok
ID Trdan, Špela (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6271/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu smo se osredinili na vlogo vzgojiteljev in učiteljev pri govorno-jezikovnem razvoju predšolskih otrok in učencev 1. razreda osnovne šole. Raziskali smo vpliv pedagoških delavcev na otrokov govorno-jezikovni razvoj, obenem pa opredelili dejavnike, ki pomembno vplivajo na vzgojno-izobraževalno delo vzgojiteljev in učiteljev, ter druge dejavnike, ki poleg pedagoških delavcev tudi vplivajo na otrokov razvoj na omenjenem področju. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojma govor in jezik, opisali njun običajen razvoj pri otrocih ter predstavili poglede več različnih avtorjev in teorij govornega razvoja. Našteli in opisali smo dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj govorno-jezikovnih zmožnostih pri otrocih. Zanimal nas je predvsem vidik, kako na njihov razvoj vplivajo pedagoški delavci, ki so z otroki v neposrednem stiku. Preučili smo tudi, koliko in kako njihovo delo usmerjajo ustrezni vzgojno-izobraževalni dokumenti. V empiričnem delu smo želeli ugotovili, kako svojo vlogo pri napredovanju otrok na govorno-jezikovnem področju dojemajo pedagoški delavci in kako to pojmovanje vpliva na njihovo pedagoško delo. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 207 pedagoških delavcev (104 vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok in 103 učitelji 1. razreda osnovne šole). Rezultate smo analizirali z deskriptivno statistiko, s pomočjo grafov, preglednic in besednih opisov. Analiza je pokazala, da med odgovori vzgojiteljev in učiteljev ni velikih razlik; oboji se zavedajo velikega pomena svoje vloge pri otrokovem oziroma učenčevem razvoju in jo poskušajo glede na smernice, dane v vzgojno-izobraževalnih dokumentih, izpolnjevati v smeri optimalnega razvoja posameznikov in skupin oziroma razredov. Glede na svoje izkušnje pri pedagoškem delu so oboji predlagali tudi nekaj želenih dopolnil ali sprememb na področju podajanja govorno-jezikovnih vsebin na njihovem delovnem mestu. Iz pridobljenih odgovorov predlaganih dejavnosti, s katerimi pedagoški delavci spodbujajo otroke/učence v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju, smo izbrali nekaj najpogostejših in jih zbrali v brošuri, katere namen je izmenjava dobrih praks in medsebojno bogatenje med pedagoškimi delavci za delo na tem področju.

Keywords:govorno-jezikovni razvoj otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117145 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20684547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Role of preschool and primary teachers at the acquisition of children's speech and language skills
In the thesis we focused on the role of preschool educators and teachers in speech and language development of children/pupils. We researched the influence of teaching staff on children's speech and language development, and at the same time determined the factors that influence the educational work of preschool educators and teachers as well as the factors that influence the children's development in this field beside the teaching staff. In the theoretical part we defined the concepts of speech and language, described their usual development in children, and presented views of several different authors and theories of speech development. The factors that influence the development of speech and language abilities in children were listed and described. We were particularly interested in how the teaching staff, who are in direct contact with children, influence the development of those abilities. We also looked into how and to what extent their work is guided by the relevant educational documents. In the empirical part we wanted to determine how teaching staff understand their role in children’s progress in the speech and language area and how this understanding impacts their pedagogical work. The survey included 207 pedagogical workers (104 preschool educators and 103 primary school teachers teaching the first class). The results were analyzed with descriptive statistics using graphs, tables and verbal descriptions. The analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the responses of preschool educators and teachers; both are aware of the importance of their role in a child's or pupil’s development and, following the guidelines given in the educational documents, they try to fulfil this role with the aim of optimal development of both individuals and groups/classes. Considering their experience in pedagogical work, both preschool educators and teachers also suggested some additions or changes in the field of teaching the speech and language contents in their jobs. From the obtained answers we selected the most common activities that teaching staff use to encourage children’s speech and language development, and assembled them in a brochure. Its purpose is the exchange of good practices and mutual enrichment among teaching staff in this field.

Keywords:speech and language development of children

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