
Prisotnost in vrednotenje obravnavanja spola v izbranih učbenikih slovenske devetletne šole
ID Pogorilić, Irina (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6268/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali prisotnost in vrednotenje obravnavanja spola v izbranih učnih gradivih slovenske devetletne šole. V javnem govoru v institucijah, kot so mediji ali izobraževalne ustanove, lahko zaznamo strukturne odnose prevlade, diskriminacije, moči in nadzora, ki se izražajo v jeziku. Učna gradiva v šolah so nosilci javnega govora, prek katerega hkrati reprezentirajo družbo in jo tudi legitimirajo. Iz tega razloga so nas zanimali elementi besedila, ki se lahko razumejo kot samoumevni in nakazujejo na dominantne govore o spolih in spolnih vlogah v družbi. Na namenskem vzorcu osmih samostojnih delovnih zvezkov za slovenski jezik smo s kombinirano metodo analize besedila zato raziskovali, ali v besedilu učnih gradiv za devetletno osnovno šolo najdemo elemente spolne neenakosti. Ugotovili smo, da je v analiziranih gradivih moški spol zastopan v večji meri kot ženski, v nekaterih primerih pa se moškim in ženskim fiktivnim likom pripisujejo tipično stereotipne vloge in lastnosti. Ženske so tako v primerjavi z moškimi prikazane kot bolj čustvene, skrbne in pasivne ter delujejo v zasebni sferi, medtem ko so moški bolj ravnodušni, ambiciozni in sodelujejo v aktivnostih, ki se vežejo na javno sfero. Ženske so tudi v večji meri zastopane v pedagoških, administrativnih in storitvenih poklicih, medtem ko se moškim pripisujejo poklici naravoslovnih in tehnično tehnoloških ved. Na podlagi naše raziskave smo oblikovali evalvacijski vprašalnik s trditvami, ki učiteljem omogoča vrednotenje enakopravne obravnave spola v učnih gradivih za devetletno osnovno šolo. S tem lahko učitelji reflektirajo elemente besedila z možnimi problematičnimi družbenimi pomeni in prilagodijo svoj pristop k poučevanju tako, da prilagodijo frontalno razlago, v kateri lahko problematične besede izločijo, dodajajo, preoblikujejo in ponudijo alternativne različice.

Keywords:spolna pristranskost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117142 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20676611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Presence and evaluation of gender treatment in the selected textbooks in slovenian elementary school
This thesis researches the presence and assessment of gender treatment in selected curriculum based textbooks in Slovenian 9-year primary school. Structural relations of domination, discrimination, power and control can be sensed in public discourse used in media or educational institutions. Textbooks are important channels of public discourse, which at the same time both represents as well as legitimises the society. Thus, the main interest of this thesis lies in the communication elements that may be taken for granted, yet they imply the predominant societal concepts of gender representations and gender roles. The empirical part of the thesis is based on the combined methodology of text analysis in eight approved self-contained workbooks for Slovene with the aim to disclose the potential elements of gender inequality. The results of the analysed teaching/learning materials reveal the representation is in favour of the male gender, while in some cases male and female fictional characters are attributed typical or even stereotypical roles and features. Within this paradigm, women are portrayed as more emotional, caring, passive and engaged in private spheres, while men typically exhibit a certain degree of indifference but greater ambition and engagement in public-oriented activities. Following the pattern, educational, administrative and service vocations are mostly practised by women, on the other hand, scientific, technological and technical careers are typically reserved for men. The included evaluation questionnaire enables teachers to assess unbiased gender discourse in elementary school textbooks. Thus, primary level educators are able to reflect on text elements with potentially questionable social connotations and can subsequently modify their teaching approach by customizing frontal instruction through omitting problematic terminology, addition, modification or alternative explanation.

Keywords:gender bias

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