
Imobilizacija izbrane amin transaminaze v mikropretočni reaktor
ID Golob, Luka (Author), ID Žnidaršič Plazl, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izbira optimalne tehnike za imobilizacijo encimov je izredno pomembna za aplikacijo encimske tehnologije v industrijski proizvodnji, kjer se od katalizatorjev reakcije pričakuje dolgotrajna stabilnost pri obratovalnih pogojih. Poleg uporabe biokatalizatorjev se v industrijskih procesih vedno bolj uveljavljata pretočna in mikroreaktorska tehnologija, ki med drugim omogočata hiter razvoj procesov ob majhni porabi časa in snovi, obenem pa zaradi učinkovitega prenosa toplote in snovi zagotavljata visoke produktivnosti in izredno dober nadzor nad procesom. V tem delu smo z namenom imobilizacije encima amin transaminaze v mikroreaktor testirali in med seboj primerjali različne imobilizacijske tehnike: kovalentno vezavo encima na nanotkanine in na nanotkanine obdelane z glutaraldehidom, ujetje v alginatni hidrogel ter imobilizacijo na osnovi premreženja encimskih agregatov. Imobilizacija s kovalentno vezavo encima na nanotkanine in na nanotkanine obdelane z glutaraldehidom se je izkazala za neprimerno zaradi izgube encimske aktivnosti. Pri ujetju encima v alginatni hidrogel je prihajalo do njegovega spiranja iz polimerne matrice, zaradi česar ta tehnika prav tako ni bila ustrezna. Za najučinkovitejšo imobilizacijsko tehniko se je izkazala tvorba premreženih encimskih agregatov, s katero smo uspešno imobilizirali encim in zagotovili njegovo kontinuirno uporabo v mikropretočnem sistemu.

Keywords:imobilizacijske tehnike, mikropretočni sistemi, amin transaminaza, biokataliza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117124 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21976067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Immobilization of selected amine transaminase in a microflow reactor
The choice of the optimal enzyme immobilization technique is extremely important for the application of enzyme technology in industrial production, where long-term stability under operating conditions is expected from the reaction catalysts. In addition to the use of biocatalysts, flow and microreactor technologies are increasingly being used in industrial processes, which enable, among others, the rapid development of processes in a timely and reactant efficient manner, while ensuring high productivity and extremely good process control due to the efficient heat and mass transfer. In order to immobilize the amine transaminase enzyme into the microreactor, various immobilization techniques were tested and compared with each other: covalent binding of the enzyme to nanomats and glutaraldehyde-treated nanomats, entrapment into alginate hydrogel, and cross-linking of enzyme aggregates. Immobilization by covalent binding of the enzyme to nanomats and glutaraldehyde-treated nanomats has proven to be inappropriate due to loss of enzyme activity. Entrapment of the enzyme into the alginate hydrogel resulted in its leaching from the polymer matrix, which also made this technique inappropriate. The most effective immobilization technique was the formation of cross-linked enzyme aggregates, which successfully immobilized the enzyme and ensured its continued use in the micro-flow system.

Keywords:immobilization techniques, microfluidic systems, amine transaminase, biocatalysis

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