One of the ways we spend our free time is also the central theme of our work, mountain biking tourism. It is conditioned by many different factors, among which, in our opinion, the local one predominates, which we divide in more detail in the theoretical part. We touch on two completely different geographical environments of the mountain biking tourist aspect. On the one hand, the predominantly mountain-colored Slovenian environment compared to the case of Croatian Dalmatia. At first glance, completely different environments, due to their cultural history, reveal a similar initial approach to the development of mountain biking, with Croatia a few years behind Slovenia.
The field of professionally qualified staff of the latter is reflected in the organization of high-profile events and projects. Slovenia, on the one hand, keeping in step with the time on a global scale, Croatia lagging behind because of the tradition in team sports in this segment, but it proves the importance of good examples of the past of neighboring Slovenia. In recent years, the participation of individuals from both representatives has been evident in the implementation of major international events, both at the level of top-level cycling, as well as in recreational tourism.
The main subject of our discussion is the presentation of the tourist offer of mountain biking on the island of Brač, which lies in the central part of Croatian Dalmatia. The organization of the Big Blue sport cycling center with its breadth of operations, is certainly one of the best cycling centers in Dalmatia and thus an excellent example of good practice. One of the goals of the master's thesis is to attract and inspire new providers who are encountering cycling tourism for the first time and those already experienced who would like to enrich their work with key details for their progress.