Libraries offer their users many opportunities for quality spending of their free
time and one of them is library programming. Library events enable promotion of libraries
and local authors, and offer users learning and socializing opportunities. The purpose of
this masters's thesis is to explore what type of library events for adults were taking place in
Goriška knjižnica in a one year period and how satisfied are the users who attend library
events. We analized library events based on monthly list of library events and users were
asked to complete a questionnaire. The survey took place in autumn of 2019. The user's
feedback was very positive, although there was some criticism regarding event
organization. Results also show that participants of library events are mostly working or
retired women, while younger generations and men seldomly visit library events. The
library organizes mostly book representations, art and craft events, conversations with
authors and travel events. The survay showed that those are also the events that users want.
Good knowledge of library and it's surroundings, and appropriate evaluation of events are
crucial for quality organization of library events. Only this way can libraries fulfill their
user's needs.