
Pametna embalaža na slovenskem tržišču
ID Kvaternik, Mirjam (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poznamo dve obliki pametne embalaže, in sicer aktivno in inteligentno. Aktivna embalaža vsebuje dodatke v embalaži, ki reagirajo z izdelkom ali atmosfero, ki obdaja izdelek, ter na ta način ohranja kakovost izdelka in mu s tem podaljšuje rok uporabnosti. Te oblike embalaže prepoznamo po treh tipih, ki se pojavljajo. To so lovilci plinov, vode ..., ki zmanjšujejo njihovo vsebnost; adapterji, ki upočasnijo oksidacijo ali rast mikroorganizmov; in emiterji, ki v embalaži sproščajo pline, antioksidante … Inteligentna embalaža pa sledi izdelku in podaja informacije o kakovosti živila med transportom in skladiščenjem, saj ves čas zaznava in beleži pogoje pakiranega živila. Inteligentno embalažo prav tako prepoznamo po treh tipih, delimo jo na interaktivno, embalažo z indikatorji ali senzorji. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati prisotnost pametne embalaže na trgu v Sloveniji. Raziskava tržišča je pokazala, da sta aktivna in inteligentna embalaža na svetovnem tržišču prisotni, največ se pojavljata na področju pakiranih živil. Na slovenskem tržišču sem zaznala tri primere, ki ustrezajo »pametnim« oblikam pakiranja – pločevinka z dodanimi termokromnimi dodatki za ugotavljanje primerne ohlajenosti pijače in vrečka s priboljški za hišne ljubljenčke z dodanim absorberjem kisika sta primer aktivne embalaže, čistilno razkužilno sredstvo, ki prek indikatorja sporoča o roku uporabe, pa uvrščamo med inteligentno pakiranje. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da je potrošnikom pri nakupu izdelka precej pomembna embalaža ter da ta poleg svoje funkcije varovanja vsebine ohranja njeno svežino in jasno nakazuje rok uporabnosti. Pri tem ni pomembno, ali je izdelek cenejši in manj poznane znamke, bi pa požel veliko več zanimanja, če bi bila embalaža biorazgradljiva oz. okolju prijazna. Iz rezultatov je tudi razvidno, da anketiranci niso enotnega mnenja glede uporabe pametne embalaže, če že, pa bi jih zagotovo najbolj pritegnila embalaža s temperaturnim indikatorjem o primerni ohlajenosti osvežilne pijače. Raziskava je pokazala, da je pametna embalaža na slovenskem tržišču za zdaj slabo prisotna, da pa je med populacijo ljudi v starosti 21–30 let čutiti ozaveščenost o novih oblikah pakiranja, ki sporočajo o svežini izdelka. Kljub temu pa ni nujno, da bi bila ravno zato ta populacija bolj naklonjena temu načinu pakiranja.

Keywords:Pametna embalaža, aktivna embalaža, inteligentna embalaža, anketa, raziskava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116996 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2020
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Title:Smart packaging on Slovenian market
There are two existing types of smart packaging, active and intelligent. Active packaging contains additives that react with the product or the atmosphere surrounding it, preserving the quality of the product, therefore prolonging shelf life. This type of packaging is recognizable by its three application that are in use. These are gas and water separators which reduce the quantities of these substances; adapters that slow oxidation or the growth of microorganisms and emitters, which emit gasses or antioxidants inside the packaging. On the other hand, inteligent packaging monitors the product and outputs information about the quality of the foodstuffs during transport and storage, constantly detecting and recording conditions of the packaged food. Intelligent packaging is also recognizable by its three applications, which are interactive packaging, packaging equipped with indicators or sensor equppied packaging. The purpose of this thesis was to research the presence of smart packaging on the Slovenian market. My market research has shown that active and intelligent packaging are present on the world market, mostly in the packaging of foodstuffs. On the Slovenian market I have detected three examples, which are consistent with »smart« types of packaging: a can with thermochrome additives for determining the temperature of the drink, a bag with pet treats with an added oxygen absorber, which are both examples of active packaging and a cleaning disinfectant solution with a shelf life indicator, which is an example of intelligent packaging. Results of my survey have shown that the packaging is quite important for the consumer buying the product and that besides its function of protecting its contents it also keeps the contents fresh and clearly indicates shelf life. It doesn’t matter if the product is cheaper and of a less known brand, but it would be much more interesting to the consumer if the packaging was biodegradable or environmentaly friendly. It is clear from the results that the participants of the survey aren’t of the same opinion regarding smart packaging, but the packaging with an indicator of the temperature of the drink was most interesting to the participants. My research has shown that at the moment, smart packaging is not very widespread on the Slovenian market, but that in the age group of 21–30 year olds there is an awareness of new forms of packaging with information about the freshness of the product. That being said, it is not necessarily true that this age group would be more partial to this form of packaging.

Keywords:Smart packaging, active packaging, intelligent packaging, survey, research

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