The advertising has adapted to digitalization and now uses new communication channels to reach targeted crowds online. Today the advertising on social media holds a leading role with Facebook and Instagram as their main networks. The effectiveness of individual ads is influenced by several factors. One of the main ones is certainly the visual image of ads, the basic of which is the use of graphic elements such as color, shape, composition, contrast and others. The goal of the thesis is to analyze the impact of graphic elements on the effectiveness of ads, based on the results obtained by actual advertising. The ads were advertised in cooperation with the company Tibas3 d. o. o., the owner of the Extreme Intimo franchise in Slovenia. We have examined relevant literature in the field of advertising, with the emphasis on advertising on social media. In the empirical part we created advertisements which represented the same product using different graphic elements, based on the recommendations of some major advertising agencies in Slovenia and worldwide. While creating some of the advertisements we purposely avoided a few recommendations in order to compare one ad to another. An analysis of the results showed that the visual image of ads and the way we use graphic elements certainly affect the performance of each ad. We could also confirm that colour, composition and empty space have one of the key roles in ad performance. However we can not be sure about the impact of some graphic elements as the ad results were not sufficiently expressive.