Animation is an exceptionally good medium for education and awareness on the topics that are harder to talk about. The focus of the master's thesis was on how to make education and awareness based animation. When designing the graphic elements and the animation message, the aim was to make the product attractive to the student population. In addition, when designing the final animation, the rules of social marketing and successful destigmatization campaigns were followed. The goal was to create the optimal interaction between the animation and the viewer.
The intent was to examine 2D illustration and animation and to make an effective educational animation that provides insight into the plight of a person with depression with an emphasis on correct communication with the person in need. The aim of the animation was to indirectly encourage people in need and others to talk about it.
In the theoretical part and in the overview of the state of research, the types of animation, the process of making 2D animation, and a review of the literature in the field of awareness campaigns and social marketing were researched. A familiarization with the destigmatization campaigns of mental disorders and illustrations about depression was needed, in order to define the guidelines for our illustrations and animation, which were done in the experimental part of the work.
In the experimental part, an adaptation of the animation message to the target group was made but also an animation according to our own script, storyboard and a specific colour scheme. The aim of the designed survey was to see if the animation influences people to change their beliefs and knowledge about which phrases are appropriate or inappropriate to use when talking to a person with depression. The obtained results were statistically analysed and presented with spreadsheets and graphs. In the discussion, the message of the illustrations and animations were described and the obtained results interpreted. In the conclusion, the hypotheses were confirmed and the usefulness of animation was commented on.