
ID Starc, Andrej (Author), ID Suban, Valter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Perkovič, Marko (Comentor)

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Danes se v pomorstvu prevaža ogromno število različnih tovorov. Diplomska naloga se bo osredotočila le na suhe sipke tovore. Ti veljajo za ene izmed najnevarnejših, saj je statistično gledano največ pomorščakov izgubilo svoja življenja pri prevozu le-teh. Suhi sipki tovori lahko ogrožajo varnost ladje in posadke posredno ali neposredno. Iz neposrednega vidika se ladja lahko potopi in pomorščaki izgubijo življenje ravno zaradi določenih kemičnih in fizikalnih lastnosti tovora med prevažanjem. Eden izmed pogostejših vzrokov za katastrofalen izid je likvefakcija tovora. Zaradi prevelike vsebnosti vlage tovora se v skladišču pojavijo velike količine vode, ki so glavni razlog za potopitev ladij. Pri kemičnih procesih so skoraj vsi pojavi neposredno povezani s smrtjo ali zastrupitvijo pomorščakov. Ker se namreč prevažajo taki tovori, ki nase vežejo kisik in se pojavi visoka možnost zadušitve. Eksplozivna atmosfera v skladišču je zelo pogosta pri transportu suhih sipkih tovorov, samovžig je zelo pogost pojav, pesticidna sredstva pri prevozu žitaric ustvarjajo toksično atmosfero, ki je vzela življenja mnogih pomorščakov in nekatera so se celo prepovedala zaradi zelo visokih toksičnih koncentracij, itd. Posredne nevarnosti so tudi zelo prisotne v pomorščakovih življenjih. Najpogostejša je prah. Ta je skoraj vedno prisoten. Prah nima enakih lastnosti pri različnih tovorih, a v kodeksu IMSBC je točno predpisano, koliko časa je lahko delavec izpostavljen prašnemu okolju. Daljša izpostavljenost prahu lahko privede do akutnih ali kroničnih obolenj ali pa celo alergij. Njegovo prisotnost je zelo lahko omejiti, zato se po celem svetu izvajajo ukrepi, s katerimi se zmanjša prisotnost prahu v okolici. Ostale fizikalne posredne nevarnosti se nanašajo na poškodbo ladijske konstrukcije zaradi napačnega natovarjanja zelo težkih tovorov. Stabilnost je treba imeti stalno pod nadzorom, saj premikanje tovora v skladišču predstavlja resno grožnjo dinamični stabilnosti. Tipičen primer premikanja tovora predstavljajo žitarice, ki predstavljajo veliko nevarnost z vidika stabilnosti, zaradi katerih je bilo treba narediti ločeno zakonodajo glede ravnanja izračunanja stabilnosti. Naloga se bo tudi osredotočila na računanje stabilnosti, kjer bodo prikazani primeri, ki se dogajajo v resničnem življenju. Ostale nevarnosti predstavljajo tudi delo na višini, utrujenost ladijskega materiala zaradi dotrajanosti in napačnega krcanja tovora, napačno ravnanje s tovorom med prevozom, poškodbe tovora in ostalo.

Keywords:nevarnosti suhega sipkega tovora, prah, žitarice, pesticidi, likvefakcija tovora, stabilnost ladje, poškodbe trupa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116904 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2020
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Secondary language

Nowadays, a large number of different cargoes are carried in maritime transport. The diploma thesis will focus only on dry bulk cargo. These are considered to be one of the most dangerous because, statistically, most seafarers have lost their lives in transporting them. Dry bulk cargo can endanger the safety of the ship and its crew, directly or indirectly. From a direct point of view, a ship may sink, and seafarers lose their lives precisely because of certain chemical and physical characteristics of the cargo during transport. One of the more common causes of a catastrophic outcome is cargo liquefaction. Due to the excess moisture content of the cargo, large quantities of water appear in the cargo hold, the main reason for the sinking of ships. In chemical processes, almost all phenomena are directly related to the death or poisoning of seafarers. Namely, such cargoes, which reduce oxygen levels, present a high possibility of suffocation, explosive atmosphere in the cargo hold is very common in the transport of dry bulk cargoes, spontaneous combustion is a very common occurrence, pesticides in the transport of grain cargo create a toxic atmosphere that has killed many seafarers and some pesticides have even been banned because of very high toxic concentrations, etc. Indirect dangers are also very present in seafarer's lives. The most common is dust. This one is almost always present. Dust does not have the same properties when transporting different cargoes, but the IMSBC Code specifies how long a worker may be exposed to a dusty environment. High dust exposure can lead to acute or chronic illnesses or even allergies. Its presence is very easy to limit, and measures are being taken around the world to reduce the presence of dust in the surrounding area. Other physical indirect hazards relate to damage to the ship's structure due to incorrect loading of very heavy loads. Stability must be constantly monitored, as the cargo shifting in the cargo holds poses a serious threat to dynamic stability. A typical example of cargo shifting is grain, which pose a high stability risk, which has created separate legislation for handling grains and stability calculations. The diploma thesis will also focus on stability computing, showing examples of what could happen in real life. Other hazards include work at heights, fatigue of the ship's material due to age, incorrect cargo loading, mismanagement of cargo during transportation, damage to cargo and other.

Keywords:Dangers of dry bulk cargo, dust, grain cargo, pesticides, liquefaction, ship’s stability, hull damages

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