In my master's thesis I deal with the issue of employment of people after their release from incarceration. The theoretical part presents the results of other research, mainly foreign, and at the same time points out the lack of recent and domestic research in the field of both post-penal treatment and employment of people after release from prison. The theoretical part also presents the legal basis for the employment of vulnerable groups, specifically people with experience of serving a prison sentence, it also gives examples of good practices, mostly from other countries like North and South America.
This work solely focuses on women after their release, because most research in this field deals with the general or male population.
The second, i.e. empirical part, presents the results of my research. Interviews of women with experience serving a prison sentence, shed light on the problem of finding or obtaining a job after release. In addition, the stigma of the "former convict", the age of the women at the time of release, the level of education, and such, also appear as aggravating factors in finding employment.
Looking at the issue from multiple angles, I tried to obtain information from employees at social work centers, the Employment Service of Slovenia, from the Probation Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and from the Prison Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.