
Pripovedi razkritja in življenja po razkritju
ID Bogataj, Katja (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razkritje istospolne usmerjenosti in spolne identitete LGBTQ+ oseb je eden ključnih dogodkov v njihovem življenju. Z njim se pogosto povezuje občutja strahu pred nesprejetjem, sramu, zmede. Prav tako pa se LGBTQ+ osebe lahko počutijo osamljene, potisnjene na rob in so mnenja, da se to dogaja samo njim. Ravno zato lahko med prvimi občutki homoseksualne spolne identitete in prvimi razkritji mine kar nekaj let. Za veliko oseb se z razkritjem poveča tveganje za izključitev iz določenih aspektov družbe. Tako včasih zaradi razkritja izgubijo stike s svojimi najboljšimi prijatelji, nekateri se preselijo v drug kraj, nekateri pa celo ostanejo brez finančne stabilnosti in brez strehe nad glavo. Ker se razkritje pred starši pogosto zgodi za zaprtimi vrati doma, v udobju zasebnosti, se mnogokrat diskriminacija in nasilje dogajata prav tam, to nasilje pa ostaja zanikano, utišano in nevidno. Razkritje je veliko lažje, če imajo osebe zgrajen podporni sistem, oziroma če so seznanjene z varnimi prostori, kjer so jim na voljo pozitivne informacije o LGBTQ+ vprašanjih, ki se jim porajajo. Ravno zato smo socialni delavci in delavke tukaj pomemben akter za spodbujanje LGBTQ+ pozitivne prakse. V zvezi z LGBTQ+ vprašanji smo se dolžni vedno znova izobraževati, razbijati stereotipe in predsodke ter preprečevati nasilje, razbijati nevidnost LGBTQ+ skupnosti, zagotavljati najnovejše informacije in opozarjati na enakopravnost v lastnih politikah. Prav tako smo dolžni usposabljati in nuditi podporo delavcem in prostovoljcem, s katerimi sodelujemo, ter jim nuditi ustrezno literaturo. Na prvem mestu pa moramo biti spoštljivi in odgovorni zavezniki, ki z uporabniki vedno znova individualno soustvarjamo rešitve.

Keywords:razkritje, LGBTQ+, spolna usmerjenost, spolna identiteta, homoseksualnost, heteroseksualnost, homofobija, heteroseksizem, heteronormativnost, socialno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116796 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Narratives of Disclosure of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity and Life After
Coming out of the closet is one of the key events in the lives of LGBTQ+ people, which is often associated with feelings of fear of rejection, shame, confusion. Likewise, LGBTQ+ people may feel lonely, pushed to the margins, and may feel that they are alone. For this reason, it may take several years between the first feelings of homosexual identity and first decision to come out of the closet. For many people, coming out increases the risk of exclusion from certain aspects of society. Sometimes as a result of coming out, they may lose contact with their best friends, some LGBTQ+ people may move to another city, and some even remain without financial stability and a roof over their heads. Because coming out to parents often happens behind closed doors, in the comfort of a private home, many times discrimination and violence happen right there, and this violence remains denied, silenced and invisible. Coming out is a lot easier if people have a support system, or if they are familiar with safe spaces, where they can get positive information about LGBTQ+ issues that arise. This is why social workers are important in promoting gay positive practices. With regard to LGBTQ+ issues, we have a duty to keep re-educating ourselves, break stereotypes and prejudices and prevent violence, break the invisibility of the LGBTQ+ community, provide up-to-date information, and promote equality in our own policies. We are also required to train and support the colleagues and volunteers we work with and provide them with relevant literature. But first and foremost, we must be respectful and responsible allies, who always co-create solutions with our clients.

Keywords:coming out of the closet, LGBTQ+, sexual orientation, gender identity, homosexuality, heterosexuality, homophobia, heterosexism, heteronormativity, social work

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