
Interpretiranje fluido dinamičnih in toplotnih parametrov peščenih plasti na območju vrtine Re-1g
ID Muzel, Janja (Author), ID Vižintin, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na območju rastlinjakov podjetja Paradajz, d. o. o., je bila leta 2011 izdelana vrtina Re-1g, katere namen je pridobivanje termalne vode iz prepustnih plasti spodnjega dela Mura formacije. Vrtina Fi-5 je nekdanja črpalna vrtina, ki danes služi kot merilna vrtina, in sega do globine okoli 2400 m. Za pridobivanje termalne vode iz vrtine Re-1g je bila podjetju izdana koncesija za rabo termalne vode iz vrtine. Obseg največje dovoljene skupne letne prostornine rabe vode iz vrtine je do leta 2019 znašal 236.520 m3/leto, od leta 2019 dalje pa 336.520 m3/leto, medtem ko je največja dovoljena skupna trenutna prostornina rabe podzemne vode iz vrtine 20,0 l/s. Vrtina Re-1g se nahaja na območju Renkovcev – Murskosoboškega masiva, ki poleg Mariborsko-Radgonske depresije, Ptujsko-Ljutomerske depresije in Ormoško-Selniške antiklinale sestavljajo Mursko depresijo. Vse štiri tektonske enote se med seboj bistveno razlikujejo po debelini sedimentov, vrsti in starosti sedimentov terciarja ter podlagi terciarja in tektonskih razmerah. Vrtina Fi-5 se nahaja jugovzhodno od Murske Sobote v strukturi Filovci, ki prav tako spada v Murskosoboški masiv. Vrtina Fi-5 je nekdanja črpalna vrtina, ki je bila nasičena z nafto, plinom in vodo ter danes služi kot piezometer. Cilj magistrske naloge je določitev fluido dinamičnih in toplotnih parametrov peščenih plasti na območju geotermalne vrtine Re-1g. Na podlagi podatkov karotažnih meritev, meritev črpanja, hidravličnih tlakov in temperature podzemne vode v globokih vrtinah Re-1g in Fi-5 bomo poskušali določiti permeabilnost plasti in njenih kompresijskih lastnosti. Na obeh vrtinah bomo merili in primerjali tlake in temperature, na vrtini Re-1g pa tudi pretok vode.

Keywords:geotermalna vrtina Re-1g, opazovalna vrtina Fi-5, fluido dinamični in toplotni parametri, Mura formacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116739 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:19023619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Interpretation of fluid dynamic and heat parameters of sand layers in Re-1g well area
In the greenhouse area of Paradajz, d.o.o. a well Re-1g was designed in 2011 to extract thermal water from the permeable layers of the lower Mura Formation. The Fi-5 well is a former well that today serves as a measurement well - reaching up to a depth of about 2400 m. To obtain thermal water from the Re-1g well, the company was granted a concession to use the thermal water from the well. The maximum permissible total annual volume of borehole water use was 236,520 m3/year until 2019 and from 2019 onwards 336,520 m3/year, while the maximum permissible total instantaneous groundwater volume of the well is 20,0 l/s. The Re-1g well is located in the area of Renkovci – massif of Murska Sobota, which, in addition to Maribor-Radgona depression, Ptuj-Ljutomer depression and Ormož-Seniška anticline, make up the Mura depression. All four tectonic units differ significantly in terms of sediment thickness, type and age of tertiary sediments, and tertiary elongation and tectonic conditions. The Fi-5 well is located southeast of Murska Sobota in the Filovci structure, which also belongs to the massif of Murska Sobota. The Fi-5 well is a former well that has been saturated with oil, gas and water, today is used as a measuring well The aim of the master's thesis is to determine the fluid-dynamic and thermal parameters of sand layers in the area of the Re-1g geothermal well. Based on the data of logging measurements, pumping measurements, hydraulic pressures and temperatures in groundwater levels in the deep wells Re-1g and Fi-5, we will try to determine the permeability of the layer and its compression properties. At both wells we will measure and compare pressures and temperatures, and at well Re-1g also the flow of water.

Keywords:geothermal well Re-1g, piezometer Fi-5, fluid dynamic and heat parameters, Mura formation

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